» For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
to know that the nature is calling us already..
why do we start our questions with [b]"why"?[/b]
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
because you want an explanation.. don't you??
what's my name??
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
[i]duuh. jasmine.
which comes first, the hen or its egg? [/i]
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
egg i guess.. hee i dunno..
why rainbows only seen after the rain?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
because they want to..
why don't you answer the questions with stupid answer?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
so there'll be too many people in our church....
why are we humans????
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
coz God can't be a HUMAN himself
why is everyone staring?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
maybe because ur new.. jowk..
why do we need to sleep??
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
because we need to regain our strength to use it for the next day...
why do you work for yourself?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
I dont work for myself..
Why u love your enemies?[/color]
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
i have no enemies siz..XD
i think..
coz they all human too..
LYK ME..!!
why LOve can hurt us.??[/align]
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
^ because The "E" word at the love stands for "Evil" [that's why it hurts]
Why do you have many questions to ask?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
coz i wanna to spread stupid virus here..
Why we must sleep in nite..??[/align]
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
to sleep again in night:)
Are my knees are weak or yours?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
him/her.. the one who will post after me..
why do we have heart?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
^ So That We'll Have A Failing Grades. Why Do Barney Loves To Sing?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
» For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.