» For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
because the stars hate the sun. they love the moon
why do kids love to play psp these days?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
bcoz it's brainwashing the kids.us.
why does a tv has screen??
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
because they like to put a screen.
why do computer and laptop have a mouse?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
because there's cheese inside.
how did Einstein made Franklin??
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
he made it by his hand
why did she ask that stupid question.???
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
[b]^ because she wants to be made by einstein
why do you like to eat ice cream? [/b]
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
because i dont like hot creams...
what sense we have in common?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
because they are not addressed with SHE!
why do round pizza comes with a square box.??
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
coz round pizza dont have sides. hahaha
why is it the earth is round and we never fall on our feet?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
because when you fell, you'll be going to the hospital and pay bills which u can't afford!
why ask why.??
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
^ because we can't say "becasue you ask why"
why do dog(s) like you?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
because they like to go to church.
why are you reading my post?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
because you're stupid!
why do we need to sleep with closed eyes.??
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
bcuz I don't want to see you when ur snoring on the bed
why do u breathe?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
because stars sleep also during the day
why ..if u jumped from 30th floor of a building .. you will die
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
because it is God's will
why do you have to breathe??
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
Bcoz if you dont breathe youll die.. why your head is too big?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
^^ because it's not too small.
why can't we have just one eye, one ear, one hole in the nose? why does it have to be in pair?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
[b]^ because we can't walk, talk and drive (our cars, or type on our laptop's)
v why did they call you by your real name?[/b]
» For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.