» For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
why not try it?
just kiddin' dude
[spoiler][spoiler][spoiler]why do bloggers blog? [/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
[b]bcoz dey want to[/b]
[b]where does d fire go wen d fire goes out?[/b]
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
in hell
[spoiler]what's the use of this? [/spoiler]
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
to kiss someone's ASS...
why did i answer that stupid question?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
sablay agen....
[b]bcoz u want to........nyehaha[/b]
[b]wen u lose weight, wer does it go?[/b]
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
spread to the air...
why do you wanna answer this thread
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
to answer a stupid question & ask a stupid question LOL
why did u close ur eyes when kissing someone???
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
i didnt close it nor open it because in d first place i never kissed somebody.
why do u have to say you will do it? cant you do it automatically without any verbalization?
erm. weird question. haha
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
[color=gray]hmm.. because if i will do it automatically my friends will not know what will i do. why do kids love barney? [/color]
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
because they re kids..LOL~
stupid answer..
why Love colour is red..??[/align]
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
because its the color of the heart and bloog!rofl!
why are you embarassed always?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
^ because they making me embarassed
why do you need something thats not important?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
so i could sleep..
sheeesh. hehehe
why do you need to post after me??
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
^ because if i will not post after you my friends will ask me "why you didnt post after her?"
v why do you hate your teacher? even his giving a points on your grades.
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
^because imma give that teacher a revenge after school. lolz
why did teh rat cross teh road??
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
^ because they love you!! and admired you
v why do you need to watch tv?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
^so i could listen to teh radio....
why do you take a bath?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
^ because i smell good today and i need to take a bath again
v why are you asking me a questions?
Re: For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.
so you could spam. lolz hehehe
why do you liek sasuke??
» For those who know this game, COOL..for those who don't:
Answer the above user's stupid question with a weird and stupid answer, and ask another one to the next poster.