What do you mean by that? Meet as in what? Or in what value would they be numerically equal?
C= (5/9)(F-32)
F= 1.8C + 32[/quote]
Additional info:
To get the temperature measured in Kelvins, here's the formula:
[b]from Kelvin[/b] [b]to Kelvin[/b]
Celsius [°C] = [K] − 273.15 [K] = [°C] + 273.15
Fahrenheit [°F] = [K] × 9⁄5 − 459.67 [K] = ([°F] + 459.67) × 5⁄9
Rankine [°R] = [K] × 9⁄5 [K] = [°R] × 5⁄9
For temperature [i]intervals[/i] rather than specific temperatures,
1 K = 1 °C = 1.8 °F = 1.8 °R
Besides from the aforementioned conversion formula above, I just stumbled on the grand-old Wikipedia and found out some additional conversion formulas for temperature.