u know what?
I have this kind of addiction to vandalism.

I mean, it's cool to vandal u know..
The thrill of trying not to be caught.. wehehehe..
One time i bought this spray paint
and i vandalled across the street around 10-11pm..
The next morning, the worker's of our Kagawad tried to wash away my vandal
Ahahahaha, i tried hard not to laugh, then one time also..
in the school library, i vandalled in one of the cubicles (for studying) there
saying "hi im a guy and i like to be with u, the girl of my dreams, pls reply"
then the following day i got this
"masakpan ka ron mag vandal patay ka"
Translation: "once ur caught making vandalism your dead"

t'was funny
..coz he vandalled there also, he's dead too.