I was shocked last night when I saw the necklace "he" gave me 3 years ago at a friend's bed. I don't know why I was shocked. Maybe its because I thought that he threw it away after giving it back to him last year?

All those times, I never knew that he was courting her. And the fact that my bestfriend and him talk with each other everyday about him being jealous of his bestfriend who was becoming close to me. Dude, why give the same necklace?!

You could've bought something else. You could've given her something else. Dude, I feel really bad even tho I never liked you.

Why didn't I see it coming? You never even told me that you were courting her since sophomore years. And then, you gave me some gifts last year. I know what it meant. Guys don't give jewelries to girls worth some hundreds. And then you'll say, that was just a friend's gift? Dude, you jerk.

I feel so betrayed when I shouldn't be at all.