It looks like that my subject CS 320 (Systems Analysis and Design) is having a proposal defense in the next two weeks. :clock: I'm almost slacking a bit but our group proposal's documentation needs some correction. Any advice from fellow CompSci FTalkers?

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[quote=M`i`c`h`e`l`l`e`25]can you help me????
can you create a frontpage so that my friends have a link to your frontpage???[/quote]
[quote=d^_~b]uh.. i dont get it.. LOL
what do you mean by.
"a frontpage so that my friends have a link to your frontpage?"

What she means that she wants a MS FrontPage HTML document that contain a link to her profile page (i.e., Friendster) that can be accessed by her friends online.
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[b][color=red]Kindly Avoid Double Posting. Read the Rules.[/color][/b]
Last edited by meng.o3 (2008-02-26 08:33:52)