[quote=Shirow Masamune]^ thats for bratinella the baka one there's yours
since i dunno know ur caption/title forsakendoll just put emokidd on it if you want i can remake it just tell me your title
[quote=`mizeL]my name's missing.. lol..[/quote]
aww sorry want to join too? ate mizel? if you want ill make one too[/quote]
Aww.I just realise it. I was looking at the userbar and I saw bratinela name on it. I really feel stupid right now lol. Uhmm..I dunno, I'm not gud at names..I dont like emokidd ermm...Can you help me think of a name coz I'm so dumb about thinking names.
[quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude]use your own harvii.. XD
btw. my ym is cursed.
didnt my message appear there?

I dont like that either. Spam Slayer? it sounds a bit cheesy and corny. What do you think? I like something with slayer on it.
I did send you an IM you in YM yuna. But you didn't reply.
I know. Disaster Masterpiece! That's my FS url. Lol

I want Disaster Masterpiece to be the replacement of Emokidd in my Class S userbar
Last edited by ' 'eMokIdD (2008-04-26 09:44:59)