• » It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

Yep Yep! But it doesn't look like it. My hair grows really fast. It runs in the family. :penguin:
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

Awh. Really? Haha. My hair grows kinda slow. :| And I hate that. Haha. Btw. Anyone here knows Shirow's cellphone number? :paranoid: Please PM me. :crybaby:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

[b]ATTENTION!!![/b] Go to a section that you moderate, then use the Move Topic function. You can see on the bottom part of the list is the [b]eGroup[/b] section. I can't see that section in the index. Admin is doing something again? Maybe this is the preparation for the groups/guild/clan/class/etc that we suggested to him. [b]Please do not move any topics yet in that section.[/b]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

^ yea.. that was my post here before, that i edited.. i even saw the image but admin changed it again ... :lol: i also saw the member who suddenly became a mod there that night.. :ninja: i have a feeling .. :lol:

Last edited by ducheszv (2008-05-05 08:11:50)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

What image is that? Im really slow loading right now. err.. I will login my YM. Gosh its like im in the 19th century and you guys are in 21th lol.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

^ you mean 21st? hehe when i first checked the image was a globe with red and black colored man-like design ... then when i refresh it, i saw the Friendster Fan-like design already.. arghh nosebleed.. :wasted:

Last edited by ducheszv (2008-05-05 08:29:10)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

waaa.. you had your revenge on me! hmf. haha.. alright i wont correct your typos hmf hehe
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

[quote=eehjhay][b]ATTENTION!!![/b] Go to a section that you moderate, then use the Move Topic function. You can see on the bottom part of the list is the [b]eGroup[/b] section. I can't see that section in the index. Admin is doing something again? Maybe this is the preparation for the groups/guild/clan/class/etc that we suggested to him. [b]Please do not move any topics yet in that section.[/b][/quote] Oh. Now I know. I haven't noticed that earlier when i moved topics.
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

im back guys curse pldt i was away for 3 days I MISS U ALL especially my HUNNEY!!! hahaha :wow:
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

welcome back shirow... ;) yer hunney missed u so much.. ;)
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

^ yeah its because of my stupid internet provider its suddenly cuts off grrr *pif* so thats why im gone in the wind for 3days well anyway thx for welcoming me ate tinay :D
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

hehe yeah...glad yer back... and yeah...no prob... ;)
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

[quote=Shirow Masamune]im back guys curse pldt i was away for 3 days I MISS U ALL especially my HUNNEY!!! hahaha :wow:[/quote] and i miss you so bad too! =( welcome back hunney! :wow:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

my bestfriends girlfriend :norose: damn this kind of lovelife sucks
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

Hello Piwipins, Hello World! :eh: ^ayel: Is That A Movie? lol
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

no its the current status of my life
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

[quote]im back guys curse pldt i was away for 3 days I MISS U ALL especially my HUNNEY!!! hahaha[/quote] Hey welcome back. Yuna really did miss you like so much. We talked about you in confe yesterday. I wish I could have print screen it. :D Duch is on CDO if someone doesn't knows. :P
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

Heads up. Maroon 5 and Rihanna, will release a Single of If I Never See Your Face Again from the album It Won't Be Soon Before Long. This coming May 12 2008. Play it [url=http://locker.myyearbook.com/backpackfiles/2008/05/06/07/audio482047e613feb.mp3][b]hear[/b][/url] 1st. :D :thumbsup:

Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-05-07 03:28:01)

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

I can't open that link Ephe. Do I have to login into myyearbook? [quote=' 'eMokIdD]I wish I could have print screen it. :D[/quote] Haha. That was really a confe. :lol: But print screen? Noo. :paranoid:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

It's ok now hehe. =D
  • » It seems that posts in other topics in this section are off-topics so I created this thread. We can talk about anything here. Anything which are not related to other topics in this section. Talk abo

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