• » hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

[quote=CAIRYNISSA].don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make your border bigger40px when you're using a border code. .don't place manyyy videos in your page. trust me, nobody gonna view them .don't used that automatic testi/pic comment receiver code.don't suffer us .don't used the page transmitter tricks( they make computers freeze when others visit your profile ) .don't follow the others! use your own ideas --will look better&unique -----well i rather use the basic profile instead of the overlayed ones. they're just too much. you could post here if you have your own ideas.[/quote] i agree with these.. especially on the videos thingy.. not just videos, but too much graphics make ur page more like a sticker book! and most of the time, it ruins the dimensions of ur boxes (for large images).. i also use the basic layout and just tweak it rather than overlayed ones.. i don't find overlay profiles that amusing.. *peace*
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

yea i agree.! :thumbsup: hehe.dont put nonsense/annoying stuffs[those glittergraphics.,lots of vids.,] on your profile.cuz those stuffs make your profile loads slow.and it is really annoying. some also dont take a look at it..simple and neat.. :thumbsup: i dont use overlay..i use css and sometimes js.cuz i removed some of my global boxes. .actually i hate long and exaggerated profiles.. :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

i agree... :thumbsup: i prefer my prof to be personalize.. haha.. and pop ups are so annoying
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

wow..nice tips..^_^
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

oh yeah i agree w/ all the don'tS!!!
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

i agree w/dat!!! first of all... when i used to put some stupid video from youtube into ma profile... in da next day... ma friends says dat.. me profile is sux!! so i deleted'em.. :wallbash:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

I agree:thumbsup: Those many videos are totally ruining the page.
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

yeah i agree i hate those glittery stuff && large images also the vids that's why i keep my profile simple [but i still use an alert :P]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

i agree to that....mostly on avoiding some video....:thumbsup:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

totally agree!! last time.. my profile was way cooler.. but it loads so long... but now ive changed it... and its simple... still crossover.. but!it loads faster! and i dun put videos on my profile. even i dun watch them hehe. i dun put border.. its kinda annoying for me.. ehehe :wallbash: :wallbash:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

haha! me too... i hate profiles with so many videos and too much applications.. and i hate graphics which is so glittery... i just dont like it.. hehe..:D [i]feeling q tuloy ansama q..[/i] haha!:wallbash: overlays r not so bad at all...as long as it's cute!and easy to load..ahehe...:eh: i wish i know how to make one...:retard:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

that's right sis.... :kiss:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

[quote=CAIRYNISSA]hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make your border bigger40px when you're using a border code. .don't place manyyy videos in your page. trust me, nobody gonna view them .don't used that automatic testi/pic comment receiver code.don't suffer us .don't used the page transmitter tricks( they make computers freeze when others visit your profile ) .don't follow the others! use your own ideas --will look better&unique -----well i rather use the basic profile instead of the overlayed ones. they're just too much. you could post here if you have your own ideas.[/quote] =):thumbsup: I agree also... :eh: [img]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g230/koko213/aaa.gif[/img]

Last edited by koko213 (2008-06-11 05:31:27)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

[quote=CAIRYNISSA].don't place manyyy videos in your page. trust me, nobody gonna view them[/quote] that's the ultimate [b]DON'T[/b]! hahaha i believe that's true. when i visit profiles with a line-up of videos, i giggle .. i think to myself "who watches these?" hahahaha :lol: unless those videos are like, videos of you making a fool out of yourself and they're NOT just music videos or something .. really, don't put them guys =|

Last edited by merx7ii (2008-06-14 06:35:08)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

[quote=CAIRYNISSA].don't used the pop-alert[/quote] yupz.. its make me annoying with a lot of pop up in profiles,, huff..:cry: nice info
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

[quote=CAIRYNISSA].don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't used that automatic testi/pic comment receiver code.don't suffer us .don't used the page transmitter tricks( they make computers freeze when others visit your profile ) -----well i rather use the basic profile instead of the overlayed ones. they're just too much. you could post here if you have your own ideas.[/quote] hehe, i actually have pop alerts but i dont like seing them while viewing a profile.. lol!:lol: what's an automatic testi/pic comment and page transmitters..? (sorry for my stupidity!)=( and.. what's wrong of using overlays?
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

[color=#ff6699]yeah, specially lags.[/color]
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

i hate viewing laggy profiles.. :thumbsdown:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

:idea: Try to remove the boxes that u dont want in your profile?:question: Am I correct? =| I dunno? Maybe? hehe.. :|
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

its ryt... hehe hate the video thing hihi
  • » hey folks. you guys already knew how to make a better page but here are the don't. .don't used the pop-alert( they're very annoying and people will never visit to your page again! ) .don't make y

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