2008-08-09 11:49:24

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]NEW LEADER:[/b] Gandalicous23 Guys, sorry for leaving this forum. And i know that, this is not the last time you'll see me around the forum. Hahaha, ILY All guys. [i]-james.[/i] [b]RULES:[/b] htt

[quote=ino24]I'll start a topic;why choose being sungle when suitors come everyday ? my answer;coz I want to enjoy my life. share your opinions.[/quote] ^Waw. You have suitors. Lucky you. Haha.:lol: [b]Topic[/b]: Well, Actually I don't have any suitors. I ain't pretty and I accept it. So, I'm not expecting I would have suitors. So, probably my answer why I choose to be single is to enjoy life. Its so happy to be single. No pressures, No commitments, Less worries, and Less problems.:D

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