[quote=ellabotz]yeah hot singles,.! how are u.?
me,.? ito,. bdtrip xa mga wla qng wentang claszm8z na mga baztus,.
at wlahn pkixama,. nkaka2inix ung gnun,.
di na nga nki2nig xauh,. nbabaztos kpa,.! haix,.
shre quh lahn xeniuh mga singles,.! ^^
hehe,. kya ngatz nlahn keuh,.[/quote]
speaking of tagalog here isn't allowed. sorry for that. haha. just a friendly reminder.

[b]james[/b]: really? auditor is such a difficult position. why did you chose that? hmm. maybe your good at math?

[spoiler] i'm getting my excrush out of my mind. he isn't worth my tears, my sadness, my depression. dang. if he doesn't like me, then fine. he isn't the last guy on earth.
