2008-03-14 01:18:44

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[quote=eehjhay]omg! we confessed to each other already! :o im so kilig in that moment. omg! :redface: i keep changing the topic but trying to insert some confessions in those lines. :/ i dunno why am i like this. i really like her a lot :redface:[/quote] :eh: that's sweet.. Don't worry Im like this :ninja: but if u tease me again w/ food. i dunno if i can resist telling that....hahaha!!! :eh: Goodluck to both of U!! I confess that I thought eehjhay was snob before, but he's not [i]pala[/i]...

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