you've been using your navBg in a loading trick. The navBg id is where the js inserts a hidden iframe that sends the parsed information to the tracker. And since it is not appearing in the navBg, it will not record. Try changing the [b]navBg[/b] found in the tracker.txt to another id. You can use [b]navigation[/b] or [b]navBar[/b] since those ids are still available in your profile. You'll find it in the [b]init[/b] function:
[quote]init: function() {
document.getElementById("[b]navBg[/b]").innerHTML+="<iframe id=\"wvmtemp\" src=\"about:blank\" style=\"display:none\" />";
var d= new Date();[/quote]
try placing this code in your CSS file:
[quote]#tracker {visibility:hidden;}[/quote]
Last edited by shakiro214 (2008-04-27 03:04:02)