Re: Updated and Tweaked by [b]Shakiro214[/b] and [b]Me[/b] :)
[quote]lol for those [b]pathetic concept thieves[/b] go make your own!! shame on you :lol: :lol: its obvious that we are the ones who first ma
i haVe a pr0bLem in saVinG tHe Linker 2 mY pr0fiLe..
everytime i hiT saVe,
tHe c0des aRe aLways cHanginG aNd Leaving 0nLy ds c0de:
[u][/u]<a href='#' id='object'><object allowScriptAccess="never" allownetworking="internal" type=text height=1></object></a>
idk waT 2 do with that.. can s0meb0dy heLp me with this?