2008-04-29 01:37:28

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Updated and Tweaked by [b]Shakiro214[/b] and [b]Me[/b] :) [quote]lol for those [b]pathetic concept thieves[/b] go make your own!! shame on you :lol: :lol: its obvious that we are the ones who first ma

[b]@jaypz1968[/b] since I have no way of examining your profile or tracker. I'll just assume all possibilities. You're probably not using the alert for the sendexit message but if you are, you may need to redo your files. time is sent to the tracker via the addBox iframe and calculated in the php. sendexit info is sent through the hidden iframe in [b]navBg[/b] during the alert upon leaving and it is important for letting the tracker know that the viewer has made an exit [b]@seirajahnez[/b] if the linker is not saving correctly then that linker does not work. proceed to help or underground for the status on the linker. [b]@imStilLearning[/b] maybe you don't have enough records for it to scroll, or your script for jcarousel is not linked to your php file. the jquery & jcarousel scripts must be saved as .txt files and saved in the same folder

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