[quote=`mizeL]^ no time to read the posts above... this is urgent.
[i]kc clasm8 q, ngppgwa ng asyment sken..yoko nga, nkkpgod tas may exam p 2m s ibang subj, study p ako! 3 consecutive F's n aq s Anatomy & Physiology subjct (ito nga yung subjct bukas)... tas thru txt p cnabi sken... ayoko tlga![/i] how will i say no to her?? [u][i]namugos raba..[/i][/u] <-- [i]hirap tagalog[/i][/quote]
She said:
She have a classmate who wants mizel to do her assignments. She doesn't want to coz she have an exam tomorrow and she needs to study. She got 3 consecutive failing grades in Anatomy and Physiology (This is her subject tomorrow) and she only said it thru text..How will she say NO to her request...or rather demand.
In my opinion ate mizel, you will have to tell her the truth

She must understand your situation first..If not, she is not even worthy to have your help. okay?