[quote][b]Ducheszv | Duch[/b] Thanks for opening this thread -- Not just mii reason to crush her.Duch is really pretty and sweet -- Most of all -- FUNNY!
The most cute gal evar!I remembered when she was teh ultimate flooder in teh confe [i]Class-Ts[/i].
[b]Teddy | Liinniie[/b] Wew.I sw her outcome in Uma's tut and she is uberdupermegaextremelyfkkenholydmnedxet pretty. In other words,She is BEAUTIFUL
.She always gives me compliments about mii pixels and drawings.
[b]GurrrPwendingsz | Louise.27[/b] Yeah.We have teh longest callname ou evar heard,But she is really cute and we have a lot of similarities.She's mai bestyy.
[b]Candy | Trixx[/b] Cutest gal next to Duch.
Close to most of teh Class-S members.Baybeeh is only hers aight?
Well,Trixx is creative.[/quote]