• » [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

updated =D [spoiler][quote=maricella]rakzztar -same as the reason for kuya eehjay..[/quote] wat u meen? :lol: [quote=MiNEKOARCH]Rakzztar ( did I spell it right? ) Well, he's an awesome GFX maker. :][/quote] u spelled it wrong that should be superakzztar hehehe :penguin::penguin:. [spoiler][quote=EyyoNaLuvBil]sir rakzztar Wehh~!! He always deny what I'm going 2 say~ But he's cool~!! Nice 2 talk with~[/quote] [quote=preciouszshortypinay]Lil bro Rakzztar = Very nice..cute haha:P he's my only lil bro here in ftalk[/quote] u two!! grrr hahha. im not denying anything lolness, hahaha tenkzz anyway [quote=CuTeUkoi]:arrow:StupidMuMu a.k.a Rakzztar[/quote] ulol hahaha u weak! :P XD[/spoiler][/spoiler] here's my crushess.. [spoiler][spoiler][spoiler]:arrow:*[b]miss linniie[/b]* :arrow:*[b]---xXirukiTepe---[/b]* :arrow: [color=pink][b]the pinkladies: pinkprincess18 preciouszshortypinay and[/color] [/b]cuz they're so fun to talk hahaha. :arrow: [b]EyyoNaLuvBil[/b] she's nice and cool \0o/ =D and really funny to talk with :arrow: [b]MiNEKOARCH[/b] she's cute :arrow: [b]iana27[/b] cuz she gives me a lot of gift =D lol and she's so funny hahha :arrow: ate [b]As cicatrizes[/b] she gaves me 3+rep nyahaha :arrow: [b]xxBUBBLiExx [/b] she oweiz give scissors dunno y.maybe she want me to kill myself hahaha :arrow: [b]weakililing [s]BrUhAUkoi[/s] [/b]hahahaha a super bruha weaky loser =D=D *added*[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[align=center][img]http://dl9.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1122/1122889uis5gpr73p.gif[/img] [i]For now.. guys : [spoiler]DonDon Rei Unmasked Luke Jamessssss :b Kaygee Admin! Wahehehe.. Synthe..[/spoiler] Gals : [spoiler]ninafaye.. Eleegirl Anne Chin Charlenejose Trixx Xii Malow Shim OO Ma Hmmm..[/spoiler] Ahiihih..Love them all![/i] [img]http://dl9.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1122/1122889uis5gpr73p.gif[/img][/align]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[align=center]my crushes:[/align] :arrow: sis grace=my first friend in fstalk..she's very nice and friendly. :arrow: my co-pinkladies=sis maru and sis johar...love them..so cool and adorable. :arrow: sis cha: my lil sis... :arrow: sis jasmine and sis eri : my new lil sisters. :arrow: sis nic : just met her today..very cool and a lil bit weird..hehe.. :arrow: unsmakedluke:crush him back. :arrow: sis chaw : she's kapampangan like me...hehe. :arrow: bryan: my big bro. :arrow: all the sis that gave me a repu.hehehe. :arrow: anna=i know only her name...but she's very nice and she gave me my first repu.hehe.
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[quote=rakzztar]*---xXirukiTepe---*[/quote] [b]maybe ur js feelin dizzy wen u typed my name there... :O haha kiddin. Crushin u bak :paranoid:[/b] [b]updates: Y3th- i miss her haha Shella- this girl is ... cool =D Leipot- Nice and crazy gurl.. and ... comes wd a great sex appeal =D Ann gillian- I miss ds girl.. shes really nice... Phrem- i lurve her ... threads haha Rakkztar- crazy ... psychotic rocker .Kiddin =D Maru- Nice and kind... Patchii- kind.. friendly.. Dynasty tweaker- good in codes/ helpful Mirhadz- cos atlast i saw hs face add more soon...[/b]

Last edited by ---xXirukiTepe--- (2008-12-09 06:28:58)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[spoiler][quote=Linniie][b]crushie :D[/b] my beloved sizie [b]ceejay[/b] -- haha i shocked when i know he's younger than meh :lol: i loev his talent suu much :wow: and he were so kind :D[/quote] [/spoiler] [spoiler][b]Ate Linniie[/b]- When I Saw Her Soo Very Cool And Very Talented Also In Graphics ;) [b]Batut[/b] - My 1st Batut ;) [b]Beshii[/b] - My Beshii She Soo Very Lovely Person :wow: [b]Leipot[/b] - The Ghost LOL [b]Ate Xiruki[/b] - The Selling Foot Powder :D [b]Ate Bel[/b] - My Tita :o Hihi [b]Aina[/b] - Daddy Kaygee's GF [b]LWAL[/b]* [b]setsunacha[/b] - My LoevTeam[sup]Daw*[/sup] [b]Pareng Eney[/b] - The Empe Boy [b]Pareng Malow[/b] The [i]Pulutan[/i] Boy :D [b]Ate Riz[/b] - Mamasan the Great Leader [b]Trixx[/b] - She Is My Couz :lol: [b]La[/b] Lalola [b]Siege[/b] - My Cousin Cherayy[/spoiler]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[b]Crushes 12/09/08 for Bridget-thanks siz! know me differently :penguin:[/b] [spoiler][spoiler][b]Faith Lovelee Trixx Andrea Bridget Linniie Phia Anne[/b][/spoiler] [spoiler][b]Dondon Kiel and HIM dondon-eu know who he are.:penguin:[/b][/spoiler][/spoiler]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

:arrow: [b] new updated *again* [/b] [spoiler]:arrow: galz :D :arrow: sis chai :arrow: ma cutie sissy :thumbsup: :arrow: sis shella :arrow: kindly sissy :arrow: sis nadd :arrow: lovly sissy :arrow: sis leipot :arrow: mwahahaha funny sissy! nice 2 fight with her :D:thumbsup: [b] New Updated [/b] :arrow: sis dei25 = ma kindly sissy.. also understanding sis eva.. :wow: :arrow: bestie rina-chan = she's seldom on9 here.. :crybaby: but still luv her as ma bestie xo much.. :D :arrow: sis anne.24 = she's so cute and kawaii mod eva :D :arrow: xxBUBBLiExx = she's kawaii cute, even i can't saw her eyes :lol: cameraaa cameraaa cameraaa :D :arrow: sis iana = wow, so kindly, and nice 2 talk wif her :D :arrow: boyz =D :arrow: Bro Gerard :arrow: he's a skull addicted same like me :lol: [b] New Updated [/b] [quote=gratitude1]setsunacha - My LoevTeamDaw*[/quote] ^ LOL =D :arrow: gratitude1 = ma evil [s] loveteam [/s] eva =D :arrow: chipster489 = well he's music freak same lyk me! :D :arrow: Rei Ryuzaki = he's sugoiii <3 :arrow: losher29 = kindly bro eva :D :arrow: kyo_shiro_mibu = nice bro :D[/spoiler] will updated [b] soon [/b] :D

Last edited by setsunacha (2008-12-10 05:43:36)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

crushie?? .. :arrow: [b]harbiiiiiiiiiiii..~ x][/b]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

as cicatrizes and aphrodite hahah add this to my list of my crush hahah^_^
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[b]:: My crush ::[/b] [quote]Boys updated 5 :D [b]Rei[/b] (dunno any nickname for now) he's cool, cute, friendly, kind, and creative [b]Dondon[/b] (kuya donnie) he's a good bro, kind, crative, talkative and funny [b]gratitude1[/b](ceejhay) he's kind to, funny, talkative, and a good friend. [b]Kiro Tan [/b]He's cool, fascinating, funny, friendly, and kind. [b]jamessss:b[/b] ( kuya james) he's cute, cool mod, and a kind person[/quote] [quote]Gurls 5 :D [b]cla_15[/b] ( miss pretty, ate riz) she's the very first person in TS that has been a goon friend [b]kristina16[/b] (ate tinay) a very kind ate, understanding, and fun to be with [b]charm_caster0604[/b] (sisz ninch) she's a very kind sisz to me and she's very enthusiastic. [b]Nahz.Is.Fab[/b] (sisz nahz) she's the person you'll never get tired to talk to, she listens to you and she's kind [b]black_eLjOy [/b](sisz ZheL) she's cool and when I talk to her, we talk about silly thing, and others[/quote] [quote]others :D [b]angeli718[/b] and [b]anyone who crushes me i crush u back[/b] ^_^[/quote]

Last edited by laynejoselle (2008-12-10 00:10:12)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

kras. sorry no reasons at teh moment. super long. `em sorry. [spoiler]-moi soulmate =D *ayee panget. :P -moi dudels. :drool: *adek. =D -moi evil dolphin =D *wakak dyosa. :redface: -moi mare :eh: *ayee babul gam. :eh: -moi gandang dess :redface: -moi sis charlene :redface: *hoho. uben. =D -moi sis anna :wow: -siz tehy *yoohoo d---- joke. :Dv -ate maru. ;) -moi siz naddnadd :redface: -moi siz rocx. *edward is mine rocxi. =D -pareng james :redface: *( :wasted: ) -[s]kuya[/s] trick :eh: -koya kaygee. :eh: -taeng jay. xD -bro rei. =D -pakner. :eh: Moi [s]Pokpok[/s] Gang. =D & Phil OT Thread People. =D ((= -oriong -nahz men -mod anne -bro ceejay -siz zefa -siz trixx -moi loser iana. -siz eri. -bro edriann -siz ella *newly added: -siz russell, siz setsunacha, moi ache jho, siz jasmine, and super rakista.[/spoiler]

Last edited by xxBUBBLiExx (2008-12-10 00:29:37)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

:D its my first tym to post here! just wanna share also my crushes here... [quote][spoiler][b]forsakendoll/aya[/b] i admire her..shes so cute and so cool!!i was shocked when i knew that shes also an ilocano..:o [b]uma[/b] i have fun when i first chat w/ her...shes cool also..esp. her hair!!:thumbsup:=) [b]chaw[/b] didnt know her that much but based on her ava...shes cute!:D sometime she look like danx..:lol: [b]danx/danica[/b] shes one of my crushes to the max here... since she joined FU...:lol: and since i saw her in pic...woah..shes cute!:redface: chupacups! :arrow: the salvager!=D [b]eney-ebagin[/b] this person really nice...thats make her famous in offtopic and rockstar...=) i crush her [b]eyebag[/b]...lolz!=D=D [b]aphrodite / chai[/b] shes cute also...good in making gfx...idolize her!:thumbsup:;) [b]nina[/b] shes kind and fun chatting w/... she beatiful...:wow: [b]gerlyn[/b] cute and so kind... i made her fansign to me as my ava before!! [b]daiz[/b] to crush her back..:D and shes kind to me...sometimes emo like me!!!=D=D[/spoiler][/quote] thats all for now... ill add the other names later..... running out of tym!!:D

Last edited by cronixemo (2008-12-10 03:30:27)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

Crush No One Else jus INI INI INI ROSSINI VOLTURI! :) > miss her so much!
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

Maye, Kimmie and Lois are my crushes right now. I just miss them alot.:)
As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[align=center][img]http://theftalk.com/img/avatars/av4/34975.jpg[/img][/align] the person who owns this avatar is my crush here in ftalk. He is...more than what i think he is. He is kind-hearted, has a great sense of humor, caring and very friendly..especially with girls.wkakakakk~~ =D=D He will be forever in my heart. :D Though you are not mine anymore and i am not yours, I will always be here for you...even if it's only love as friends. :) [hr] other crushes: Princess- she is very protective and aggressive also. =D=D Don't fight with this girl because she will fight back and bite u. :lol::lol: Chexy- she is a great friend., very kind and pretty... :D and cute.like her boyfriend. :paranoid::paranoid: Shella- my pretty indo friend. very funny also.i enjoy posting with her :D cla- riz. ikik queen., THEIR group (ikik) is very funny, she tries to recruit me,but i will not be persuaded to eb an ikik. =D=D mikay- :P:P:P 20 years of age but she looks 12. :lol: trixx- or treat? :lol: very pretty and good in graphics. :D:D:D eney- neva knew how to brush her hair.,*peace. offtopic queen i think.,hehe.,friendly to all,indo,malays,phil. (international) :lol: punkrockerhayley-oh-my crazy rockstar friend. she's taller dan me, younger dan me. and i lab her very big. :wow: jmaex-i miss dis gal, a very good conversationalist. =( Daixee mae- awe, i lalab her teddy. she is very nice and kind and cute Danx- one of my first ftalk crushie. :lol: Bubblie- ver good in making stories,.,she's got talent. :D anne.24- crazy mod. :lol: cham- wow.,blooming indeed.,very pretty in her santa ava. :D zefa- ur my big sister sistah. =D=D nina12345678910- :lol: very friendly member., and also very very extremely pretty :eh::eh: uma- awe, very pretty also. :wow: ulzzang anna/eyyonaluvbil- for da first time, a malaysian girl. :lol: she's da only malaysian girl i know. very pretty.dats why someone likes her very much. =D linnie-she makes great graphics.and very friendly also. my big sistah. =D=D Angeli_7- is she still here in ftalk or did she left for good? :paranoid::paranoid: she is my idol here., veryintelligent and the prettiest ftalk member i have encountered. :D:D where are u sis angel? :crybaby::crybaby: I miss her.,coz we always talk about bill kaulitz. :wow::wow: [hr] orio- its "da hair" :lol: Lord Byrone- wahahahah~~crazy member. Talk with him long enough and u will always laugh to death. =D dondon- friendly. not boring to chat with kuya jie- wise and "matured" itit =D kaygee- friendly. a good member of wp.. :D vect- coz he makes great layouts. :D eehjay- most handsome moderator. :P:P (ex-mod i mean) ceejay- my bunso who never fails to greet me in ftp :P:P rei- oi, wats ur real name? =D=D=D he is a cute boy. :D rakzztar/totoy- its "da bangs" :lol: dreadcloud- its "da bangs" also. (i always like guys with bangs) :P:P:P flint- hmm..i wanna say its da bangs. :lol: but its also his personality., very funny to talk with.,wkakakak~~and very loyal to his anna. :wow: kuya jesse- how couldi forget this guy who left ftalk. :cry: he really knows how to make a conversation.,i am still sorry for what i did. :wallbash: but i am happy now in wp. :D [hr] I'm sorry for those i forget. :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[b]My super duper long crush list :lol: Updated: Dec 11, 2008[/b] [hr] [spoiler][quote][b]Linniie/froggy[/b] This girl is so funneh and weird haha. we always talk in ym, whenever we see each other online and she always call me donnut :doubt: I first met her at Graphic Troops, shes friendly, nice and good in pixeling. that's why i crush her. hehe.[/quote] [quote][b]Louise/Spida-Gurl[/b] I met her also before in Graphic Troops, and now, my co-member in the scandalers. Shes cute, nice and friendly. sometimes she got problem, but i know she can handle it. i like all of her gfx, so kawaii hehe. Hope she dont change her attitude. imiss you sweety. huweeee. hehe :D[/quote] [quote][b]Trixx/bear[/b] Like linniie and louise, i've met this girl also in GTroops and now, my co-TS member i thought she is a snob girl at first hehe. but as time goes i know her. shes friendly, nice, fun, and also cute. Thats why i crush her hehe. im happy to her when we play the confe game together with tunie haha. she always says we are madaya. hayzz.. i miss you bear :D[/quote] [quote][b]Hanzil[/b] I see her before, but we are not that close. We become close friend in "The Scandalers". i thought shes so suplada haha. but i was wrong, shes crazy sometimes hehe. She our first victim in confe game together with tunie, and like trixx she always say im a bias ref haha. i miss this girl. i hope we can make a rematch. ;)[/quote] [quote][b]phia[/b] I know she is also my co-gtroops member before. and now, we are co-member in the scandalers. She always ask me how to smudge? haha. im busy that time so i forgot to teach her hehe. anyways she said she know it already. shes also fun to talk. a very nice friend and cooperative. dont change phia guanio hahaha.[/quote] [quote][b]Jerriedee[/b] I remember this girl. She request a sig to me hehe. I create he a blured sig, and ninahfaye like it haha. She is also my co-ts member. shes nice and friendly. hope she dont change ;)[/quote] [quote][b]Nahz[/b] 1 of my nice friends in TS. She always greet the members in TS. She also share her problems or ask a favor to us. I like her attitude for that. shes crazy sometimes haha. but if you know this girl. Shes very friendly ;)[/quote] [quote][b]Meng[/b] The girl who loves reading hehe. I remember she offer as a book of breaking dawn, i read it but only half haha. i like the story. maybe the twilight is also interesting to read hehe. She is our sadako and first to released the Sadameng language. Shes fun and nice. I miss this retarded moderator hahaha.[/quote] [quote][b]Ninah123456[/b] I inspired to her voice even shes not really singing :lol: So i decided to create a siggy of her "the artist of the month" sig. haha. I gave the sig before her birthday. shes fun to talk, friendly, Crazy sometimes and shes beautiful :redface:[/quote] [quote][b]Joebz[/b] When i see her name here, The first thing that comes in my mind is a GFX :lol: her works are superb, epic, very clean. Shes like pro hehe i idolized her. and also shes nice to talk. ;)[/quote] [quote][b]charm_caster/ninch[/b] My Sunako haha. Shes fun and friendly. she always nosebleed at my pics especially my sleeping ava. :lol: Shes crazy sometimes. We know each other before, but when she joined the scandalers i know her more. I miss this girl. hope she dont forget me :D[/quote] [quote][b]bridget[/b] We dont know each other before, but when she joined the scandalers, she becpme crazy :lol: joke. we become close friends there. She always call me Tae, i will call also tae haha. shes nick in ts are differen from other nick haha. Very different and discusting haha joke :D tae :P[/quote] [quote][b]Tinay[/b] Everybody knows how friendly mod she is. Not only friendly, shes also beautiful :D shes nice and now addicted to edward cullen haha. Dont change my friend. i miss you hihi :D[/quote] [quote][b]duch/ducheszv[/b] Hey yow, whats up duck? haha. Her name is different, i dont know the correct pronounciation. hehe i thought she is a suplada haha. but shes friendly pala :D shes a nice moderator too. And .... nothing :lol: nvm :P[/quote] [quote][b]Riz / Clariz / cla_15[/b] The nurse ninja. Shes crazy and friendly and nice and naughty. haha. She has a lot of jokes, i dunno where she get it :wasted: anyways hope she dont change her behavior haha. she always makes me smile :redface: thanks for being so nice. Hope you can expose your full pics soon :lol:[/quote] [quote][b]CuteUkoi[/b] Shes cute, everyone knows it. a japanese cute girl. we call each other "fanget" haha. I like this girl, shes nice, friendly and adik in RF haha. I miss this girl and i love her uber. :redface: hope she dont change to me. Take care always ;)[/quote] [quote][b]Aysbeaux[/b] A nice moderator. i discover a site to her, the hotel626 and palistuhan. hahaha. that site is very interesting. shes fun to talk and have a live vid together with harvii. hope we can get to know each other. i thought she is suplada wahaha.[/quote] [quote][b]chai(aphrodite)[/b] The girl who is demanding in siggy haha. we are not that close before, we know each other in the scandalers. i thought she is isnabera haha. but shes mabait pala. hihi. sometimes crazy, she likes fashion. I hope fashion likes her. wahahaha. So guys there, dont hesitate to talk to her. :D[/quote] [quote][b]cheuw[/b] wkwkwkwkw... hahaha. shes auntie of linniie. i like her drawing and also her attitude. shes getting crazy too just like linniie haha. Very friendly and cute hihihi. hope she dont change :D[/quote] [quote][b]Yuna/Jirichi Ryunashira[/b] Shes 1 of nicest mod here. Sometimes she become strict but i understand her. She really love shirow. They are so sweet hehe. I see her face and shes beautiful. I miss this girl, hope we talk again some other time. take care my nice friend ;)[/quote] [quote][b]Aya/Forsakendoll[/b] Shes kinda popular. Smexy css queen. wow. haha. she likes to post in youtube, and i like those crazy vid she made. shes a friendly too and pretty. I wonder where she is now. I miss this girl and also her new vids wahaha.[/quote] [quote][b]Uma[/b] lets hide and seek again in cam. wahahaha whenever she see my cam, she always laugh :doubt: i dunno why. haha. shes very friendly and she likes to watch... ahmmm.. ah nvm hahaha. hope we can have another cam to cam haha. take care uma ;)[/quote] [quote][b]Push[/b] where is this girl? i miss her. I call her tulak haha. shes not adik, i just tagalized the push hehe. she likes onion tou. I dont see her face before, i just she her face recently and wow, she beautiful hahaha. hope we talk again some other time :)[/quote] [quote][b]Eney[/b] We know each other in FTP OT. I always see her posting there. and also in PCW. She always say. hantu-tri-for-fayb haha. and now their clan is lose wahaha. just joke :P i talk to her in the ot and we get to know each other. and also we talk in ym using status haha. hope she can remember it. I miss this girl, i hope she misses me too. and i hope she will not ot in ym, when ol hahaha.[/quote] [quote][b]Philixre[/b] I see her at OT thread, shes calling my name even we are not that close. I like her attitude. very friendly. i wonder where is now. dont change my friend. hope we talk again some other time.[/quote] [quote][b]Bel / As cicatrizes[/b] Hello bel bel. haha. She is the founder of OT in FTP. thanks for creating that. She has a lot of secrets haha and im happy because she trust me. Shes beautiful too :puke: :lol: A nice friend and sometimes crazy. Shes like a kabute. she is biglang sulpot in OT haha. hope you can get to know this girl, im sure you will like it hahaha.[/quote] [quote][b]malow[/b] marshmallow haha. i met her at OT. I like her ava before. the cartoon. so cute. hehe. She is also a fan of sunako. thats why i call her sunako haha. shes friendly and nice. Hope she dont change :D[/quote] [quote][b]Chariz / Obsessed[/b] I know her at the scandalers group. Shes friendly, i thought her age are 18 and above because of her face haha. but shes too young pala. I like also her gfx, very kawaii. hihi. hope she dont change. i miss this girl ;)[/quote] [quote][b]Leslie[/b] ahmmmm im speechless haha. she always make me blushed :redface: she said she loves me, i dunno if it is true hihi. shes sweet friendly and crazy sometimes. Sometimes she get angry at me haha. But its ok, i understand. I miss this girl. so kulit haha.[/quote] [quote][b]---xXirukiTepe---[/b] i didnt expect that she will add a repu to me :D I see her here at crush thread, posting my name. kala mo di ko kita ha. hehe. thanks for adding me. Just talk to me anytime. Thanks also before because you give me a fansign. stay sweet and friendly. ;)[/quote] [quote][b]Anne.24[/b] A friendly moderator. She give me a +repu when she becomes a mod. I didnt expect it. i like all of her graphics, so good in gfx ;) also her layouts. fantastic. shes 1 of my idol haha and also she is super nice to me and friendly too. I like her eyes and the way she speak tagalog haha. Dont change ann. I miss you uber and i <3 u uber:redface:[/quote] [quote][b]Mikay[/b] oh mikay. hahaha. ive met her at OT and also we become close friend in bolahan thread haha. shes literate in her post. Naks! haha. Shes friendly. She always greet the person she see in OT. She's fun to talk. Hope you dont change. Oh mikay!.. hahaha[/quote] :arrow: [b]Added[/b] [quote][b]preciouszshortypinay[/b] what a long name :lol: i met her at the FTP ot thread. at first i thought she is a snobbish person, but when i talk to her, we are like we really know each other haha. shes beatifull and nice. hope she dont change ;)[/quote] [quote][b]uNlOvedgUrltAn[/b] I discover something to her. But its ok for me, no problem. She is very friendly and nice,i want to know her more. Just talk to me anytime. I will listen for you ;) take care and God Bless.[/quote] [quote][b]ARINE[/b] She give me a fansign. I didnt expect that she will give me. thanks for that. She is also friendly and nice and also beautiful. Stay what you are ok buddy? hehe. Dont change. God Bless ;)[/quote] [quote][b]russell18[/b] I met her at the FTP OT, shes so friendly and nice too. i want to know her more. getting to know each other hehe. i want to see her true face, im so curious :lol: dont you ever change, or else, i will eat you :lol:[/quote] [quote][b]yh3t[/b] I met her at the FTP bolahan thread, the thread she create haha, . she is fun, bolera and dramatic haha. Hope shes not angry at me anymore. shes tambayan is "literature". The story she create are very interesting to read. I hope someday, she become a good author, she has a potential :D i want to know her more. she is nice and friendly. dont change, stay the same ;)[/quote] [quote][b]cutest08[/b] I crush her because she is super nice to me. friendly and nice. Long time no talk hehe. i miss this girl. Her real name is aila, hope i get it right haha. Hope we can talk a lot next time :D take care always ;)[/quote] [/spoiler] [hr] I will update this soon ;)
» FTalkElite
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crush updated. [spoiler][b].L.[/b] - the girl who caught my heart in this forum. shes sweet, nice, sometimes funny and lovely. for real. :wow: [b]xxBUBBLIExx[/b] - shes funny, she played dota. shes smart and shes cute. :) twin(DAW) of DANX [b]DANX[/b] - twin (daw) of BUBBLIE. shes also funny, pretty and cute.[/spoiler] to be updated when theres someone new to be added on this list. XD
» FTalkWhiz
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[img]http://dl6.glitter-graphics.net/pub/440/440576q8wrax7se2.gif[/img][b][color=#0744c0]M[/color][color=#303ac3]y[/color] [color=#8325ca]C[/color][color=#ac1acd]r[/color][color=#d610d0]u[/color][color=#ff05d3]s[/color][color=#d610d0]h[/color][color=#ac1acd]e[/color][color=#8325ca]s[/color][color=#5a2fc6]-[/color][color=#303ac3]-[/color][/b] [spoiler][b]V.I.P.s[/b] [quote][b][url=http://theftalk.com/p=butterflyprincesz]Ice Cream||Meggy[/url][/b]- she was so nice to me when I first met her. She's so friendly. Lab yeu siz.[/quote] [hr] [quote][b][url=http://theftalk.com/p=sweet-thing]Sweetie||Kei[/url][/b]- she's so nice to me. She'd been my since friend for 2 years. Lab yeu siz.[/quote] [u][b]TOP Crushes--[/b][/u] [b]--Mommy Faith[img]http://dl6.glitter-graphics.net/pub/12/12606qlj55sawsx.gif[/img] --Ate Maye[img]http://dl6.glitter-graphics.net/pub/12/12606qlj55sawsx.gif[/img] --Ate Hanzel[img]http://dl6.glitter-graphics.net/pub/12/12606qlj55sawsx.gif[/img] --Ate Cheuw[img]http://dl6.glitter-graphics.net/pub/12/12606qlj55sawsx.gif[/img] --Charm[img]http://dl6.glitter-graphics.net/pub/12/12606qlj55sawsx.gif[/img] --Nelou[img]http://dl6.glitter-graphics.net/pub/12/12606qlj55sawsx.gif[/img] --Nina[img]http://dl6.glitter-graphics.net/pub/12/12606qlj55sawsx.gif[/img] --Bratinela[img]http://dl6.glitter-graphics.net/pub/12/12606qlj55sawsx.gif[/img][/b] [b]I crush soo much--[/b] *[url=http://theftalk.com/p=lordheinz]Daddy Heinz[/url] *[url=http://theftalk.com/p=eunich]Lola Eunice[/url] *[url=http://theftalk.com/p=aysbeaux]Ate Ice[/url] *[url=http://theftalk.com/p=emlodee]Ate Melody[/url] *[url=http://theftalk.com/p=ducheszv]Ate Duch[/url] *[url=http://theftalk.com/p=%27AphrOdiTe%27]Ate Chai[/url] *[url=http://theftalk.com/p=pipito21]Kuya Jay(pipito21)[/url] *[url=http://theftalk.com/p=forsakendoll]Aya[/url] *[url=http://theftalk.com/p=Shim%20Oo-Ma]Uma[/url] *[url=http://theftalk.com/p=jamessss:b]James[/url] *Dianne [b]Crushes--[/b] *Ate Chariz *Ate Tinay *[url=http://theftalk.com/p=LOUISE.27]Louise[/url] *[url=http://theftalk.com/p=portuniechco]Tunie[/url] *Trixx *Ceii *Anne *Eney *Harvii *Aaron *Reika *Leslie *Marshmalow/Dorothy *Layne *Yuna *Carlo *Bel *Cesz *Lea *Yunish *Nanix *Yhet *Nicey [i]I Lab them all....[/i][/spoiler] Tnx for the people who crushes me. LOL XD.
» FTalkElite
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[b]Gal top 1[/b] [quote][b]Riz | Cla_15[/b] HMM She's so pretty :wow: One of the best leaders of The Scandalers -- Yeah. She's so funny and if there would be a contest of the most posts in your e-group, She'd win.[/quote] [b]Boylet top 1[/b] [quote][b]Dondon[/b] [s]She[/s]He's so funny. I think he likes a newly recruited mod :lol: Am I right?:lol::lol::lol: I'm so mean to him like heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell![/quote] [/b]
» FTalkWhiz
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Crush list <3 12/12/2008 [b]Ultimate [s]Crush[/s] loev[/b] [spoiler][quote][b]Dondon[/b] I don't crush him, I loveeeeeeeeeeeee him so much :wow:, :lol: I haven't been pretty honest, but now I'm trying to, lol, I've crushed him since I met him, but I never talked to him, until lately, and I found myself, in loev with this dude. <3. He is the sweetest, kindest, most talented, and so on. :lol: I just uber [color=red]love[/color] him.[/quote] [/spoiler] [hr] [b]Girls[/b] [spoiler][quote][b]Linny[/b] Arghh.... Crazy Frog! D:!! She is crazy!!!! Shameless! But I'd like to call her my bestfriend here, =D we are both crazy so i'm fine with it, she likes to see me suffering, she will laugh all day, and she has extremely [b]FUNNY[/b] voice =D =D. No offend lintek... =D =D[/quote] [quote][b]Shella[/b] The in love girl, like me. :wow: She is an anime otaku like I used to be once, :D I love chattin with her, she once called me since she wanted to hear my voice, lol, she has a nice voice. :D. She is now in love with a harsh dude, keep goin my dear friend! :wasted::thumbsup:[/quote] [quote][b]Ate Aning/Ate Clariz[/b] Others may have cute call names, but what we have is much [i]cuter[/i], I called her ate aning and she will call me lil aning.. sigh.. I don't mind being called aning, since I'm aning. xD I thought she is a crazy girl(she is), but when I confessed some problems to her, she managed to help me. :wow: cool, ate aning! ILY! =D She gave me the name mod spammer, although I never spammed....... in front of her.. =D =D[/quote] [quote][b]Ate Eney[/b] She is a really nice ate. :wow: I thought she is normal, LOL, I met her in the philippines offtopic, now I know there are no normal people there =D, all of them are crazy. Argh.. my pretty kakak who calls me adek, and i really admire her since she knows how love feels :wow:, confessing with her is useful xD[/quote] [quote][b]Pupu/Peppermint[/b] Dung tak.... xD Her real name is Zefa, I met her in fs before I met her and get closer in fstalk. She is crazy, funny and fun to chat with, anyway, I miss chatting wif her. :D[/quote] [quote][b]Koiishii[/b] Koiishii.. The best graphic Maker, I super duper admire her worx. She is really nice too, She is younger than me yet she is alot talented than me. :lol: Arghh.. she is a gossiper, like lintek :wasted: :wasted:[/quote] [quote][b]Aijou/bheszt09[/b] She is super duper nice to me. I dunno why? :lol: She always greets me whenever she meets me, I super love her. Hope to know you moar. :D[/quote] [quote][b]Chaw (Bubble)[/b] She is so friendly, :D. She is super duper nice to me too. :) I know she has a literature, too bad I cannot read them, they're in tag. oh, noobie me.. :wallbash: Hope to know her moar.. :wow:[/quote] [quote][b]Aila (cutest08)[/b] She is super friendly, whenever we met in philippines off topic she always greets me too.:wow: I think she is crazy? LOL =D[/quote] [quote][b]Nadnad[/b] An archangelllll.. hiyaa.. I never knew she is an indonesian :wow: Most of all, she loves [b]david archuleta[/b], I love people who love david!! They must be cool to love David!! :wow: :wow:[/quote] [quote][b]Sis Yuna[/b] Sis Yuna, wee.. happy monthsary agen sis :p She is like the figure I always look up to :wow: I wish someday, someday!! I could be someone like her, to be the guidance to the other she is friendly, really friendllyy even though I'm just a newbie-mod :wasted: She is beautiful too :wow:[/quote] [quote][b]Ate CC[/b] Hello ate.. :D :D I'm glad I'm a girl so I can call you ate :lol: She is really nice, and pretty too. She lovesss twilight, currently. and she loves tunie too. =D[/quote] [quote][b]Sis Chariz[/b] I admire all her worxxx... :wow: She is uber friendly too, I hope to know moar bout her. :wow:[/quote] [quote][b]Danx[/b] Ngek! I'm a rabbit? Lol, I don't see her full face, but she seems cute. :D And she is friendly too, hope to know her moar. :wow:[/quote] [quote][b]Iana[/b] She is uber nice to me, she even put me in her crush list, I crush you back sis! :wow:[/quote] [quote][b]Ate Lin[/b] I miss her so! She is the best pixel maker!! I rarely chat with her, but I really admire her worx :wow:[/quote] [quote][b]Sis Uma[/b] A pretty girl, cute girl, evil girl, lol, just kiddin' :lol: she is so pretty, like a doll :wow:, she is obsessed with her 5 boys, I really admire her and her worx, esp the tut she posted in gfx section <3 <3. She is younger by a month than me too, it kinda suprised me :lol:, she is pretty crazy also =D[/quote] [quote][b][s]Ate[/s] sis Push[/b] She hates being called ate, :lol:, this time I won't call her ate, :D piss =D She is really friendly I met her in class s, she is online using dial-up :wasted:, gudlak sis. :D She is pretty crazy too, lol, looking foward to see her again..[/quote] [quote][b]Ate Ays[/b] I just crush her, she is really nice, and pretty, <3 <3 I hope to know her moar. :D[/quote] [quote][b]Ate Aya[/b] I really admire her, she is the queen indeed! She is beautiful too, :wow:, and she likes [i]alice cullen [/i]like I do. :lol: Hope to know her moar. :wow:[/quote] [quote][b]Setsunacha[/b] A super cute girl I met in fun corner and chit chat section, she is really cute, I love seeing her photo :lol:, She is really friendly and active, I wish to know her moar. :wow:[/quote] [quote][b]Ate Bel[/b] Rawr, a very cute, pretty girl, the thread starter of phil OT :lol:, she calls me lil sis, everyone calls me little, man.. she is uber friendly, and she often posts in the FTI OT, I met her there. :wow: Lastly, she is CRAZY! =D[/quote] [quote][b]Ate Donna[/b] Sorry I forgot to include you last time, but i crush you ate :wow: I really admire her worx, esp her avas, they are art!! She has been really nice to me since I met her, we met at skyline, she was one of 3 reasons why I stayed in skyline :wow: IMY a lot <3 <3[/quote] [quote][b]Sis Angeli[/b] I like her smile in her ava, and sig, she looks cute. Hope to know her moar. :wow:[/quote] [/spoiler] [b]Boys[/b] [spoiler][quote][b]Crazy sensei/ Kiro Tan[/b] Argh.. my long lost sensei, I haven't seen him since November 29th, Where did he go? I want to tease him. :disgust: I miss chatting with this crazy dude, his YM hasn't been online too.. :retard: :retard:[/quote] [quote][b]BFF Aaron/Rei Ryuzaki[/b] My BFF has shown his face in da public, finally =D, he is cute, I wanna adopt him as my lil bro :wow: He is really nice, and friendly, one of the most polite dude :lol: He is crazy too, especially in artwork101's board, we spammed all day =D[/quote] [quote][b]karuro[/b] Dunno him much, but he asked me to call him jan carlo, lol, a long name. :lol: lol, he called me snobbb!! XD Now wayy, hope to know him moar :lol:[/quote] [/spoiler] i will edit this, SOON, thanks to those who crush me, me crush you too :wow:

Last edited by anne.24 (2008-12-12 11:45:13)

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