[quote=anne.24]sis yuna
i see,

as I thought, the footer never lie

nyway, I cannot use my css lay,
I heard fs is filtered?

Yea. FS is filtering as tuppie said. Don't touch your linker on About Me or WIWTM.

[quote=anne.24]GREAT! Someone hacked my profile, and he changed my linker in who i want to meet box,

even though I had my profile back, I still can't use my css lay. argh!!

Aw. Souka. ;_;
Well good thing he gave your FS back. ^__^ For the mean time, try to use linker on Media Box. Or just wait for another discovered linker.
i think so nengmudh.

Try to customize your membercard then.

And check if the link will appear or not.
- - -
Anyway, Ephe.. Good luck. I'm foreseeing something. *__* Oh I see double pengu..

At last, wew
Last edited by Jirichi Ryunashira (2008-12-19 07:10:46)