2008-04-21 12:07:04

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Re: Updated and Tweaked by [b]Shakiro214[/b] and [b]Me[/b] :) [quote]lol for those [b]pathetic concept thieves[/b] go make your own!! shame on you :lol: :lol: its obvious that we are the ones who first ma

[quote=Shirow Masamune]Updated and Tweaked by [b]Shakiro214[/b] and [b]Me[/b] :) [quote]lol for those [b]pathetic concept stealer faggots[/b] go make your own!! shame on you :lol: :lol: its obvious that we are the ones who first made this concept and style in WVMe whoever you are godbless you :lol:[/quote] [b]Effect:[/b] WVM will display 10 visitors per page but only 4 are visible while it scrolls upward 1 visitor at a time [align=right][b]Preview:[/b] [url]http://www.imagehustler.com/0308/1205757110.jpg[/url][/align] [quote][b]added features:[/b] carousel auto-scroller trick :eh: viewer image on the right side send a smile send a comment view friends send a message bookmark flag user[/quote] [b]Preview: [url=http://profiles.friendster.com/babababooya][sub]proof-of-concept[/sub][/url][/b] [quote][b]Requirements:[/b] *Prepare Your Self first *Common Sense Is-a-[u]Must[/u]!! *Ripway Account or Any filehosting site Accounts will do *[u]Create[/u] a folder in your ripway account and named it as tracker *And then after that inside of your tracker folder create this files: *create 7 new files. Copy the code from the links below. These are the 7 files you will need: *tracker.php *mv.txt :arrow: (leave this file empty,) * skin.css :arrow: [url=http://h1.ripway.com/masamunekun/0jskin.css]skin.css[/url] * jquery.txt :arrow: [url=http://h1.ripway.com/shakiro/Forum/jquery.txt]jquery.txt[/url] * jquery.jcarousel.pack.txt :arrow: [url=http://h1.ripway.com/shakiro/Forum/jquery.jcarousel.pack.txt]jquery.jcarousel.pack.txt[/url] * tracker.txt (you can find the codes below) * tracker.css (you can find the codes below)[/quote] [b]*kindly read and check the FAQS below[/b] ------------------------------------------------- [b]1)After Creating these files click the [edit text] on your tracker.php and copy the codes below and paste these on your tracker.php[/b] [b]* tracker.php[/b] <">Notes: - please copy all the contents of it.. And after pasting the codes on your tracker.php then replace the bolded text part with your own USER ID Don't know how to find ur user id? refer to this topic http://theftalk.com/t3499-Tutorial-Find-Userid%21%21%21.html example [quote]<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.jcarousel.pack.txt"></script> <?php $phpowner="[b]YOUR USER ID GOES HERE[/b]"; $limit=10000; ?>[/quote] [b][color=green]Optional![/color][/b] The viewer images can have additional FX (e.g. glossarized look) [b]Screenshot:[/b] [url]http://h1.ripway.com/shakiro/images/123.jpg[/url] [b]a.[/b] get the [b]glossy.js[/b] from this [b][url=http://www.netzgesta.de/glossy/glossy.zip]zip file[/url][/b] and upload it [b]b.[/b] link it in the head of your tracker.php :cool: a good place to put it is below your script link for [b]jcarousel[/b]: [quote]<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.jcarousel.pack.txt"></script> [b]<script type="text/javascript" src="[color=green]glossy.js[/color]"></script> //like this[/b][/quote] if glossy.js is not in your [b]tracker[/b] folder, specify a path: ex. http://h1.ripway.com/username/path/glossy.js [b]c.[/b] Insert this into the very last set of <script> tags of your tracker.php it's near the bottom :retard: [quote]function glossit(){ var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('img'); var i = 0; while (i < elements.length) { elements[i].className="glossy iradius50"; i++; } }glossit();[/quote] if you see the code for [b]window.alert[/b], you can insert it just below that: [quote]<script type="text/javascript"> blah blah blah... window.alert = function() { return; }; [b]//right here is good[/b] </script>[/quote] [b]2) And Now For the tracker.txt[/b] *Copy The Codes on the link below and paste it on your tracker.txt Get It Here: :arrow: [url=http://h1.ripway.com/masamunekun/0trackerjscode.txt][b]Tracker.txt[/b][/url] [b]Notes:[/b] - you can use this as your external js script also - copy all the contents of it *Take a look again on these line of this script this is where u put the url of your tracker.php Find These line on the tracker.txt [quote]frameborder: '0', allowtransparency: 'true' }, phplink: "[b]YOUR OWN TRACKER PHP HERE[/b]", exitmessage: " Thanks For Visiting "+pageViewerFName,[/quote] An Example of a tracker.php url Ex./ [color=red]http://h1.ripway.com/username/tracker/tracker.php[/color] this is the example of what you will put on that line And For the customization of the reload button please take a look on the lower part of the script where you can find these line of text [quote]<center><iframe id=\"wvm\" "+atr+"src=\""+ifsrc+"\" style=\""+sty+"\"></iframe><br /><input type=\"button\" class=\"reloadbutt\" value=\"Refresh Tracker\" onclick=\"Reload();\" style=\"[b]border: 1px #000000 solid; background-color: c9c9c9;[/b]\"></center>"; if(pageViewerID!=pageOwnerID) if(pageViewerID!="")this.getDETAILS();[/quote] the bolded part is where you will edit its color and attributes to your own desired color and style.. [b]3) And For The CSS of Your Tracker[/b] Please Download it here: :arrow: [url=http://h1.ripway.com/masamunekun/0trackercodes.txt][b]Tracker CSS[/b][/url] Edit the attributes in your own liking :thumbsup: after editing paste it on your [b]tracker.css[/b] [b]4) How To apply on Your FS profile[/b] how to apply it?? you must get the url of your tracker.txt file and find the latest linker here in this forum due to some reason i can't tell you where it is just find it by your self once you find it follow the instructions there on how will you apply the tracker.txt on the js linker :thumbsup: After these steps you are finally done and thats it congratulations so easy isn't it?? hope my instructions are clearly enough for you to comprehend ;) Happy tweaking to all :D for more enlightenment just read the FAQS below __________________________________ [b]FAQS:[/b] (please read) -The creator of these WVMe is [b]Marfillaster[/b](ken) he is the one who create this script thx to him me and shakiro just tweaked it only =| -editing scripts on tracker.php except putting your own USER ID is not advisable -Don't Forget To Create the mv.txt or else your WVMe will now work properly -After Creating the mv.txt you don't have to put anything there just leave it alone -If The Recording of it got messed up and you see some crazy weird things on it i suggest you empty your mv.txt by clicking the edit link on the mv.txt file and erasing every single content of it.. -If you remove the good bye alert of wvm then there is chance that the tracking of your WVM will have errors -If you saw a visitor having a 0 visit 0 mins 0 sec it means that is the first time he/she visits your profile -Friendster Always Upgrades and Updates their system so the Recording of WVMe is affected by it so if anyone who visits your profile and he/she isn't recorded by it then this is the reason why sometimes it won't record properly i hope it answers most of questions here... so please bear with it thank you -If You saw these inside of your WVMe box [quote][b]Warning: date(): Windows does not support dates prior to midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970 in \\\webfiles\files\2008-3\1809500\tracker\tracker.php on line 281[/b][/quote] it means there is no visitors who visit your profile yet you have to wait someone to visit your profile -Any questons or problem please post it here thank you.. [b]Shakiro214 Notes:[/b] -it will not scroll if mv.txt has no records -it will not scroll if records are less than 5 -it will not auto-scroll back to the top if records are less than 6 -I've inserted a table around the content and footer -The php loads 10 visitors, but will only display 4 and scrolls up one visitor at a time -I've modified the date to display in this format: [b]Thursday - Mar 13, 2008 - 11:00 PM[/b] -I've removed the y-scrolling which appears in IE -auto-scrolling is slower in IE -for best performance in IE, remove floating object & also do not place near animated flash content [b]*Reminders:[/b] If you gonna post a problem about the WVMe then don't forget to show the link to your profile or else i can't help you properly... :arrow: [b]Credits: - Marfillaster(the creator) - renalvir - feruzz - Shirow Masamune - Shakiro214 - John Resig for the jquery framework - Jan Sorgalla for jCarousel[/b] [quote][b]Some Important Details Read it or[/b] [s][b]DIE!!![/b][/s]. Q I've understand it all and i properly apply it on my profile whats next? A. Thats good then wait for some viewers... Q. Its not working *cries* A. well [s]i don't care[/s] go ahead feel free to ask... Q. Damn It's not perfect it has errors oh gosh!! A. Im not forcing you to use this so if you gonna complain about its imperfection then don't use it!!! Q. Oh my gad its not working immah gonna die help me its not recording huhuh its sucks A. After You apply it on your profile [b]"OH GOD CAN YOU WAIT SOMEONE TO VISIT YOUR PROFILE!!!"[/b] before you post here telling its not recording lmao for pete sake be patient for a while... Q. I've Follow all the instructions but still it won't work im giving up... A. well just [s]Cut Yourself[/s] Discard it then never use it anymore for the rest of your life simple as that[/quote] [quote][b]Changelog:[/b] 03, 17 , 2008 5:04pm (GMT+ 8:00) -Modified CSS proportion -Modified PHP scripts -Glosarized Images (Optional) -Carousel Script added by [b]Shakiro214[/b] 03, 09 , 2008 8:12pm (GMT+ 8:00) -New Position Adjustment -CSS Values Changed -Some error fixed[/quote] [b]Live Preview:[/b] [url=http://profiles.friendster.com/shirowkun][url]http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a192/Miyako555/beta2.gif[/url][/url] __________________________________________ Some Related Topics That Can Help/Guide You Up: [url=http://theftalk.com/t15088-Compiling-javascripts-file.html]Compiling-javascripts-file by: Mickyriora[/url] [url=http://theftalk.com/t16599-WVM2.2-Marfillaster%27s-Addbox-Gen.-Explained.html]WVM+ Marfillaster's-Addbox-Generator-Explained by: ducheszv[/url][/quote] NIce code .. Anyway Carousel is a little bit heavy to load :wallbash:

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