I think you were trying to make it transparent, but the imgblock & images must use the given sizes from the [b]tracker.css[/b]
use the tracker.css from the 1st post. You'll find the link for it somewhere before or after the php code in post #1.
Make all backgrounds transparent: body, .jcarousel-skin-ie7.jcarousel-container(skin.css)
I think imgblock, content, stxt1 & stxt2 should already be transparent
add this to [b]skin.css[/b]:
[quote]#videoSlider { background:transparent; }[/quote]
Using the given css will return the images to the right side and I think adding css to the videoSlider will make it transparent.
CSS for your profile can be injected in your js file; the tracker.txt
There's no need to inject CSS for the tracker becoz there's no security to bypass since its your php file. Link tags are used for CSS in the php. They're already in there