[b]My intro..[/b]
[b]Name:[/b] Katleya Remollino
[b]Nickname:[/b] kat-kat, leya, kahramell, kahyie, notebook
[b]AGe:[/b] 15 yrs. old [b]B-day[/b]: April 24, 1993
[b]Why do u join single?[/b] 'coz i'm single and i'm proud of it!

[b]Secret:[/b] should i tell? it's a secret.. yah know!
[b]hallo guys![/b]
long time no visit.. huh.. 'coz.
i'm so busy this past few days..
@sasha[/b] we're both 15 so i can be yer [b]sister[/b] hir..
i hope that all of you guysz.. will be my[b] friends[/b]..