ok.. i'm gonna open a topic. But this time now, I want you guys to participate.
As I have said, Whenever I open a topic, just [b]few[/b] or [b]none[/b] at all participates
and I hate it to be rejected:cry:
anyway here:
[quote]Why do u prefer to be single?[/quote]
I'm gonna answer first 'cause it's my topic.haha
-I prefer to be single because I don't wanna commit myself for now.
I've been badly hurt because of my ex, though I knew I'm over him but still somehow I can't hide the pain..
I just keep myself busy, so that I can avoid thinking of him.
We lasted for 1year and 3mos. I'm just kinda feeling regretful because I thought he would be the man meant for me.

yeah that's it..
I wanna hear your story too.