[quote=lucknskill]No, this ain't a fight thread.

Just something i came up with
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well, it's about my family.. i don't know if i'm being an ass or something. here's the deal. they do know that i'm paid well for my present job. they were like acting "puss-in-boots" - begging for sympathy over their monetary problems so i would let them borrow. but when they do have their money, they forget to pay me. and what really pisses me off is they boast about their adventures (like shopping, out of town trips, food trips).. man.. i sacrifice my own shopping and gimmicks while they do that.. i'm just out of patience. i just don't want blow this out one time big time and ruin our relationship, but how can i tell them that they have to cut short on their hedonistic indulgences so they still have bread for more important things..and let me have fun with my hard earned money.
i'm just lucky i have understanding friends who after all the years i've never been to our group gimmicks are still my friends..