• » No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

@cutieshika: what jelly te? on the poop.. errrr :puke: thats disgusting.. makes me remember of my Hep A c Colostomy Bag patient. :puke: @topic: ripper caught! check hall of shame in fs show of.. oohh im angry :evil:

Last edited by ducheszv (2008-01-17 11:23:40)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[quote]@ aya : but in the end, it's so pleasant to hear your patients saying "thank you " to you for caring them. that's what i love about it! and yea, i agree so much to ducheszv.[/quote] yeah i really wanna hear that, specially from little kids who are ill :cry: ohh and it makes me cry to see old people in nursing home i feel really sorry for them.. :[ [quote]@aya: life is a matter of choice.. so vote wisely... seriously, dont do thngs dat u know ull end up rgrtting it.. lawyer..? hmn.. 4years in preprtory. den ander 4-5 years n law skul..? u kddng..? spndng too much tym in skul..? kidding.. i juz hate going back to skul..[/quote] I know they'll be heaps proud of me if i become a lawyer even if i wont be a good one, but i wanna enjoy life and do what ill probably be good at, at the same time. And i was thiinkin' , being a lawyer could be dangerous and sinful, coz they lie alot :lol: and plus, if their case didnt win, then the revenge wud be on them :lol: :penguin:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

^^ow yeah.. juz lyk goin to skul to know how to lie.. :lol: sorry lawyers.. :) it is reli dangerous.. well.. watever makes u happy.. wer hir to support u.. :D
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

^ tnx sis :) i got another problem... =| Everytime i talk to HIM on the phone and ym and in person, he's always quiet and when i ask him why, he just said," its nothing" . He's like that almost everyday. And i dunno, myb he's cheating or something? I always have the feeling that he's cheating on me, and besides the feeling.. He's fone is always unreached or busy and he tells me that its just the signal but i dont believe him coz his fone will be busy or cannot be reached for an hour straight and then it's ok again. And his attitude these past few weeks is really different, he gets mad easily and he sounds and looks like he's always bored wif me :| dont know wat 2 do. :[ Him cheating isnt exactly what i need right now, just hope he remembers my situation :wallbash:

Last edited by alliana01 (2008-01-18 04:18:49)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

hmm.. i dont know sis.. when my ex was like that my suspension was right. :redface: set things straight with him and ask him whats the problem.. he'd be stupid to let you go.. your the [i]"crush ng ftalk"[/i] .. :D hmm my advise is talk to him and ask him if theres something wrong with the both of you. =) @topic: LBM.. errr :redface: :wasted: :lol:

Last edited by ducheszv (2008-01-18 04:40:30)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

@aya: break up wid him.. no joke.. dats all i can say... dat knd of prson s so damn stupid.. [i](pardon me for my choice of words)[/i] he'll talk to u once uve opn dat topic to him.. im not sure if dis s a gud suggxn.... it hapend to me... and he damn hurt me so mch... :evil:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

ohh i 4got mention he doesnt say sorry sincerely :| @sis dutch im really paranoid coz ive been cheated on so mny timessss :crybaby: oh waa crush ng ftalk :lol: no sis [i]labo un [/i] @sis hika now its not the best time 2 break up w/ him.. :ninja: i posted the reason in 1 of my replies in confession thread. :penguin: :wallbash:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

^^ sisz.. its no joke at all... feel lyk cryng.... :crybaby: ask ur parents sisz.. dats my advice... dey know wat is best for u.. talk to ur mom... das he know about it alredi..? this is too persnal.. u sure to dscuss it hir..?
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

its fyn.. im ok now coz i finlly let these things out :| asking my parents will juz mke them mad at him
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

yeah.. ate shika is right.. i want to cry now :cry: .. but sis.. im proud of you.. you didnt even think of doing anything bad for the both of you (you know what i mean).. ok.. hold on to him but know the limits sis.. aight.. were here for you.. Online. :D
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

tnx :( i just wanna be sure of everything so i wont be paranoid anymore, and stressed too :wallbash:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

^^ hu wont be mad at hm..? turng his back..? i thnk its normal for him to be cold.. or maybe he's shock too.. or hes still thnkng... or at d stage of denial... giv him tym to think.. den aftrwrds ask him str8ly.. wat d heck das he want..? f he'll stay or not.. its so hard to stay wid a person hus heart and soul are not urs.. [i](not gud wid dis tings..)[/i]

Last edited by cUtiEshika (2008-01-18 06:18:11)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

He's stubborn and never learnt to understand anyone else but himself. =| [i]post edited[/i] :D [color=white]^ oh no sis, about the 9-months-stuff, we're not really 100 % sure yet. And about he's "THINKING TIME".. he has a lot. I gave him a lot of time, and im sure he's not thinking, he's being stubborn. All he ever said to me was that he's worrying about paying off his new car when the baby thing happen, he never mentioned any plans for us. And the reason im not really worrying about that is becoz i know we're not having an angel yet, complic8d to explain to you sis but yeah..i know it.[/color]

Last edited by alliana01 (2008-01-18 06:10:29)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

@aya: sisz.. sori for d misntrpretaxn.. :lol: and u sed he's stubborn..? dnt waste ur tym being wid a stubborn guy.. not sure..? bter be sure of it.. [color=white]juz buy a Pkit... its effctive widn 100days of cncepxn.. coz ur hcG level is still high...[/color]

Last edited by cUtiEshika (2008-01-18 06:19:54)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

oh so your not about it yet? hahaha to tell you the truth i was shocked sis.. well anyway.. if it is .. stand up for the both you.. if he continues to be stubborn.. then leave him.. dont hang around waiting for him to change.. [color=white]remember this is not about only you now [/color] ok sis? =)

Last edited by ducheszv (2008-01-18 06:20:02)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

@sis shika that's ok sis i dont really wanna buy one coz im sure im not toot. and plus, there's only one symptom. @sis duch I cant leave him just lyk that sis, thats hard :[
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

sorry for that sis.. =| i edited it already.. its hard now but it'll not be hard if you had enough of it already.. people change sis.. anyway.. brb.. gotta cook.. :penguin: :wallbash:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

no its ok sis. tnkx btw. tnx 4 the advices :) gtg.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

^ shocked to see all of the posts! :O seems like you're all so expert. ahihihi. peace. but yea, it's a bit helpful and useful. :eh: :thumbsup: >> i have a problem, i'm currently in a state of withdrawal syndrome. addiction? internet. :wallbash:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

^ waa internet addiction? :o that's like the hardest drug to resist and control :lol: but anywhoo, why do u wanna stop it? its so enjoying :eh:
  • » No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

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