[quote]@ aya : but in the end, it's so pleasant to hear your patients saying "thank you " to you for caring them. that's what i love about it!
and yea, i agree so much to ducheszv.[/quote]
yeah i really wanna hear that,
specially from little kids who are ill

ohh and it makes me cry to see old people in nursing home
i feel really sorry for them.. :[
[quote]@aya: life is a matter of choice.. so vote wisely...
seriously, dont do thngs dat u know ull end up rgrtting it..
lawyer..? hmn.. 4years in preprtory. den ander 4-5 years n law skul..?
u kddng..? spndng too much tym in skul..? kidding.. i juz hate going back to skul..[/quote]
I know they'll be heaps proud of me if i become a lawyer even if i wont be a good one, but i wanna enjoy life and do what ill probably be good at, at the same time.
And i was thiinkin' , being a lawyer could be dangerous and sinful, coz they lie alot

and plus, if their case didnt win, then the revenge wud be on them