[spoiler]I have this guy who I believe so close to me. I can open up things with him, show my true emotions, share my problems, and such. I like him, honestly. But he has this attitude of not taking things seriously. – I’m not sure bout this, but that’s what I can see. And, one weird thing is he’s doing/saying things that made me confuse. lol
He textd me last night and ask a grueling tricky question, I forgot what’s exactly the message says. All I can remember is:
‘[i]I know someday I will find someone and you too. But at this very moment you have my heart.
Will you keep or let it astray?[/i]’ – Again, I’m not sure bout the msg.
I answered the question frankly. But… When I read again the msg, something
tells me that this can be an assurance of… I dunno.

“[i]for now, you can be the one but when I find what/who I really want, then goodbye.. [/i]” . *hiccup*

Geez.. that's why I’m here to ask some suggestion/recommendation/ proposition innuendo. Nyahaha..
What will I do Dr. Love?

I find it kinda



"[i]when cat is away, the mouse will play[/i]."
Last edited by gemandi (2008-08-31 09:44:46)