[quote=lucknskill]Dear, sleeping pills got side effects like hormonal
disturbances and stuff. At such a young age too, was it
prescribed to you by your physician?
Tsk tsk..try out different sleep positions like orthopneic
(like sitting with pillow in your stomach and arms
rested on pillow) and side lying position (pillows
underneath the kneels and one in the chest)..
Don't over-eat, just eat around 2-3 hours before bedtime.
Or if you use to sleep to cool conditions, try the warmer ones.
Umm..Do not intake coffee, chocolate or softdrinks at night,
then listen to calm music. Else have someone to sleep
beside you until you fall asleep because some might discover
that being with your loved one (no not necessary to be
a lover and stuff..) might help bring psychological ease and comforts your body.
Discover the trauma of your sleep pattern if everything else i mention above failed.[/quote]
actually the sleeping pills is my mom's, and i just took some well she doesnt know about it.
ohh i kinda thought of doing this too,
[quote]Don't over-eat, just eat around 2-3 hours before bedtime.
Or if you use to sleep to cool conditions, try the warmer ones.
Umm..Do not intake coffee, chocolate or softdrinks at night,
then listen to calm music.[/quote]
and it worked, coz last night, i fell asleep at 11:30.. still late but, its a start XD.
thanks [i]po[/i] pala

and by the way, are u doctor or like a nurse or physician
coz u really sounded like you know this stuff, just like this one
[quote]Tsk tsk..try out different sleep positions like orthopneic
(like sitting with pillow in your stomach and arms
rested on pillow) and side lying position (pillows
underneath the kneels and one in the chest)..[/quote]
I only took 1-2 sleeping pills i think.
But really thanks to you for advices.
I'll try doing what i did every night so i can get back to my normal sleeping pattern.

[quote=cUtiEshika]mn.. try not to slip on days..
increase ur activities on day time...
not juz siting and makng graphcs... joke..
take a bath and drink a glass of milk b4 going to slip...
pills..? so discourgng.. u myt be so dpndn on it....
then one nyt, ull juz dscovr dat u cnt slip evn u drnk a pill alredi...
bob is ryt.. hes a future nurse...[/quote]
omg you're kinda ryt sis, sometimes kc ieven its midnight, ill still sit in front of my pc and make graphics for my thread. i dont know im like so addicted to photoshop

ill consider your advices
so a big fat thanks to you both
Last edited by alliana01 (2008-01-14 19:08:09)