i've been crying for what seems like days (actually it's only hours)
my eyes hurt like crap...
im so confuse
i feel betrayed
i trusted him so much...
i thought he was different but i guess all guys are the same
How can a person leave you just like that when he loves you so much?
i can understand that he's afraid of getting hurt
(but so does everyone --it's the risk we take when we fall inlove)
but he doesn't have to leave me ( he's thinkin bout it)
I guess he's a coward.
or he really doesn't love me afterall.............. *cry more

ZOMG. I'm so sad to hear that ate aya.

Is he, the one you ever said to me?

cmiiw! >__<
Well. Ate, I think it's okay if you give time for yourself.
A day to cry but tomorrow, you must not cry!
Think positive, he isn't the only boy in this world.
You are so beautiful [i](I'm your secret admirer

Don't worry ate. One day, he will realize that he is soo stupid

cause he left a nice and beautiful girl like you.
I'm here always ate. Ah. I hope we could chat in ym.
Shirow and me will try to make you laugh.

You still have us. Class-S. Walalalaa~