[quote=HiLyNkAwAii][quote=`Ms. ShY`]huhuh help me plz... i wrote this @ my blog... my bf, he's been lying to me for bout 4 months... he didnt tell me that he has a family... a wyf, and 2 daughters... huhuhuhu
[b]"huhuhu it hurts me so much... aq nlng ang magpaparaya dahil alam q na kahit kelan ay d magiging maaus ang buhay namin kung maging kami man... huhuhu help me... huhuhu...
i lab u bebe... i dont know i can get over you... huhuhu... if wer for each other... i will w8 for you..."
huhuhu i love him so much that i can even kill myself... this hurt is killing me, i cant talk to any1 coz i know even if they listen, they would think im crazy, he was my first luv en i think my last... do i deserve this? i cant help myself to cry... it was april 14 wen i knew the truth... his wyf and mother came to our house, i didnt know whats going on, until his wyf cried infront of me... she begged for me to give my bf bak... i cant... i dont want to but i have to... huhuhuhu help me god.... huhuhuh...

^^^ Shy sis, u already have the answers on ur problem..all u have to do is to make it real..i mean do what do u think is right...

[quote][b]i lab u bebe... i dont know i can get over you... huhuhu... if wer for each other... i will w8 for you...[/b][/quote]


you dont have to wait for him...because you cannot be with each other, believe me..not unless he'll file an annulment case between them and make all the things be settled..but how about the responsibility on his kids? are you sure ur ready for this? lol sis

WAKE UP!,.. Can u imagine ur life sharing with his kids and if ever w/ ur kids too? this isnt only in sharing a home but im also talking about the time, the love, the responsibility and HIS SALARY

lol in this kind of crisis we're experiencing now i think this is not the right time to be martyr...
I understand that YOU LOVE HIM..more than ur life i guess but how about ur own life?...
He has a family, a wife and kids..He did it to them knowing that theres already something binded them together..how much more for you?, ur not legal remember that (sorry for being so direct sis),.
I always say...Move on and get a life ,losing him isnt the end of ur world..u may be thinking of that ayt now but believe it or not..its just for NOW,. later on ull forget about him.

He cheated cant you see sis? He make a fool out of you so y SUFFER? aber?...
I just wanna share my advices for you sis...

take it nicely or not...i cant do anything with that..

If you continue this, you will never be happy in the future..

Someone is BETTER than him, just wait...
[i]Wag ng dagdagan ng pagkakamali ang ginawa niyang pagkakamali

-ate Hy here

[spoiler].... same problem on my prev post but in addition to those
,. Im having a very hard time to diet

cant help?..then ignore

hahaiz... tnxz for the advice, but u know wat?! i just knew that they are not yet married!!! my god, my mom told me they wer, but they're not... huhuhu but i guess i made d ryt move, last night, raffy(my X), kessa(the mother of his children) en i tokd... we wer lafing but we all know dat wer hurting insyd... hahai, kessa beggd me to give raffy bak... i didnt know wat to do but then i have realized that his family is mor important than me, he told me secretly that someday... he'll find me and ask my hand for marriage... i told him that if wer for each other, "LOVE WILL LEAD YOU BACK"... then he cried, he told me he's willing to loose his family but he doesnt want me to go, i told him that its much better this way... i cant live in lies and burdens in my hart... i know he understands, but i hate to see him cry... so now, i'll just live everything to our destiny... huhuhuhu even if it hurts so much... huhuhuhu we finished toking @ 4am... huhuhu that hurts...

tnxz anyweiz for ur advice en concerns... i understand u being straight to the point