[quote=zyx03]hi! i'm a newbie here at fTalk. about the problem thingie, im wondering what to invest in with 10,000 PHP. i,m still a student but i want to earn at the same time. anybody got a suggestion?[/quote]
..hi there..gud for you,u got 10 thou..can i borrow it??joke..

kidding asyd,y not invest in e-loading?well,its not dat hard to maintain it..just make sure you know how to handle it..

[quote=franktaz]Iv got a question? how do u know if ur inluv? cuz rytnow i dont have a girlfrend and i was wondrin if its gud to fall inluv?

..how u'll know f ur inlove??
guess ds wud help..
1.u keep on smiling even if u got no reason.(just remembering that person tickles u..)
2.u cant sleep (u keep on thingking bout dat person)
3.ur inspired (even the hardest thing to do,like u hate studying but if he/she comes along,oh ur more than willing to study).
seriously,falling inlove is tough,especially if its a serious one..ul get hurt..feel pain..its not always full of laughter..there are times that you wud ask urself "is this worth it?"..
but hey, if you find the right person and u love him/her, take the risk..ul never feel happy if u wnt feel pain..
..for real love hurts..

[quote=sirmcfly]i have a problem
my g.f and i took a break up .. she said that study first love later .. im not satisfied with her reason .. pls help me

..hmm,i hope im not that late to share my insights bout ur prob..first,id like to ask,how old are both of you?is the relationship that serious?..
..f both of you are stil young(say high school)..u still got a lot of time..maybe d girl rily want to focus on her studies..'know,it hurts but try to see d good side of the coin..ul got a lot of time to study..try to be supportive of her decisions..it will hurt at first,but time heals..

[quote=Shiseiten]help me please

i love someone and cannot forget her in last 4 years

..its hard to forget someone hus been a part of ur life..sometimes,we have a hard time forgetting its because we haven't accept the fact yet that "its over.."
..we keep on recalling the happy times that we've shared w/ that person,thats why it makes us long for that person.hope this wud help:

1.try to accept its over and done..
2.face the pain,feel it..cry f u must..it helps to unload the burden..
3.talk to a friend..share wat u feel..
4.slowly,pick-up the pieces..u may buckle sometimes,but stay firm..
5.widen ur horizon..meet new friends..
6.lastly,never forget that in HIS time..she'll come..unxpectdly..f dat hapens never let her go again..
Last edited by lucknskill (2008-01-02 12:47:36)