• » No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

i have a problem... A BIG ONE! lol... its actually about my accounts on the net (friendster account, two yahoo accounts, and ripway account)... the passwords for those accounts got changed without me knowing it! and i dont tell anyone my account... that's why im puzzled... at first i noticed that the yahoo account im using for ym cant connect... i wondered why so i tried to access it on yahoo mail and im getting an error (incorrect id or password)... so i tried "forgot password" and good thing i remembered my secret answer... so i kinda fixed it... after that i tried to access my ripway account because im having trouble with the scripts im using in friendster... then i encountered the same problem! password was changed! :crybaby: and it was so weird because a couple of hours ago i could still access my ripway... so i also tried "forgot password" and it went well until i tried to access my 2nd yahoo account (for email puposes and its the email i registered at ripway)... same problem poped up! but this time i cant remember my secret answer :wallbash: ... i tried and i tried but i really cant remember what i've put there... so i decided to forget about it for a while... then after i took a nap, i went back to my pc and accessed my friendster account and wondered if its password got changed too... so i logged out and guess what? it did got changed and the email im using there is the same as my ripway :crybaby: ... now i cant log-in to friendster... but i can still access it because my pc downstairs and my IE7 has friendster always logged in... so all i need to do is never log-out... :crybaby: so for now i'll try to rebuild everything because a couple of hours ago, my ripway account has been deleted and i dont have a backup of all the files in there (including my external css & js) and some other files... i already created a new FS account... and i'll be away on the forums for awhile... well, not really... i'll still visit FTalk but i wont be active in posting... T.T by the way, when i scanned my pc (using ad-aware) it detected Data Miner types of malware... so guys, try to be more carefull on visiting websites... :thumbsup:
yumi fans
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

aw. that's bad problem. :(
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

got a problem ...financially i like to have another part time job.. :)
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

my only prob is i wanna see my bf this xmas but i cant :crybaby:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

^ Huhuhu too bad :cry:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

dont u have any prob?
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

I've got a problem, i'm just a new member here and some female ftalk member wants to pick a fight with me, it's like whoa i didn't do anything wrong, what's wrong with her? the thought that she is more than a friendsternewbie, she's so arrogant and flirty to guys :cool: her comments to other threads makes her seems so innocent and sweet yet she keeps on insulting me and stuffs...well not only is it fast to make friends here on Ftalk but also enemies =| oh well gudluck to her and keep posting threads or posting comments to attract guys coz i know that is your motive...I rather quit Ftalk than deal will you everytime i log in and receive ur nasty attitude..

Last edited by Angeli_7 (2007-10-06 00:01:54)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

^why? what happened? maybe you did something wrong with them even if you didn't mean it.. don't just quit with ftalk.. it's not a gud idea.. if you quit your enemy will be happy of it because you were weak.. and maybe tease you loser instead.. be strong girl.. =| @topic ►geez I have a problem too.. I have 3 fakers.. duh.. me? have fakers.. whoah... weird.. :evil: vthe other links are the fakers of my sis, her bf and my dog.. the faker of mine is also fake my sis and the rest.. I regret not to private the pics of mine @multiply.. that faker copy my pictures.. that sucks.. and every time I upload new pics @fs he/she copy it.. and set it as primary.. so guys pls help me to report those fakers... http://profiles.friendster.com/51173144 http://profiles.friendster.com/51845791 http://profiles.friendster.com/51845472 http://profiles.friendster.com/51845643 http://profiles.friendster.com/51845577 http://profiles.friendster.com/51845728

Last edited by 2sexy4yah (2007-10-06 06:23:31)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

^looks like she's stalking you.. give her a suggestion 'why not make you one a fan club or something' my prob? i want to go home this Christmas... but they wont let me :crybaby:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[quote=Angeli_7]I've got a problem, i'm just a new member here and some female ftalk member wants to pick a fight with me, it's like whoa i didn't do anything wrong, what's wrong with her? the thought that she is more than a friendsternewbie, she's so arrogant and flirty to guys :cool: her comments to other threads makes her seems so innocent and sweet yet she keeps on insulting me and stuffs...well not only is it fast to make friends here on Ftalk but also enemies =| oh well gudluck to her and keep posting threads or posting comments to attract guys coz i know that is your motive...I rather quit Ftalk than deal will you everytime i log in and receive ur nasty attitude..[/quote] Nah, don't quit Ftalk just because of one rude person...best thing to do....ignore her, and don't let it bother you and just give her one of these....... :midfinger: hahaha Don't let one person ruin it for you....there are many more nice people here than the rude ones :thumbsup: Peace..... Oh, and my current problem.....hmmm.....The only thing I can think of right now is that I need to win the lottery so I can move to The Philippines now, instead of 6 months from now, hehe (that probably seems like a strange problem, so to clarify...just refer to my avatar =) )
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[b]mrhiphop79 [/b] aha...sooo in love, huh :D Sweet :lol:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[quote=mickyriora][b]mrhiphop79 [/b] aha...sooo in love, huh :D Sweet :lol:[/quote] hahaha...Hey, what can I say?....I don't know about "in love" yet, maybe more like.....sprung lol...But she definitely is on my mind a lot....Don't think I've ever met someone who makes me smile so much. =) :D :)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

this is nice =)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

@Angeli_7 [b]Please report or pm the mods whos this girl who is kinda of a simplicity-over-the-edge attitude[/b] @to the stalker [b] if you read this thread dont get angry with me cuz of this and please give me a reason for the nasty way you do to sis Angeli_7.... have you meet before cuz you insulting her???[/b] @members of FTalk [b]Please spy the stalker or the thread of the girl if you notice her[/b] :arrow: [b][color=green]Thanks For The Concern Guys Please help Our Co-member here![/color][/b]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[quote]my only prob is i wanna see my bf this xmas but i cant[/quote] me too i also wanted to see my bf this coming xmas ..hoping we cud be together.. hayz..
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

Iv got a question? how do u know if ur inluv? cuz rytnow i dont have a girlfrend and i was wondrin if its gud to fall inluv? :rolleyes:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

^ Emmm I think you are happy :redface:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[quote=franktaz]Iv got a question? how do u know if ur inluv? cuz rytnow i dont have a girlfrend and i was wondrin if its gud to fall inluv? :rolleyes:[/quote] All I can say is you "just know" when you're in love. Falling in love can be a beautiful thing. But always keep one thing in your mind....pain is love. Love hurts sometimes (when you do it right).!!! :thumbsup: :D
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

problems?well i've encountered that a lot of times and it did made me crazy(sort of) xpecially with regardz to scul probz. and fam.but as of now, my prob.goes this way: [b]i dont know what my problem is[/b]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

hi! i'm a newbie here at fTalk. about the problem thingie, im wondering what to invest in with 10,000 PHP. i,m still a student but i want to earn at the same time. anybody got a suggestion?
  • » No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

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