[quote=sirmcfly]i have a problem
my g.f and i took a break up .. she said that study first love later .. im not satisfied with her reason .. pls help me

There sure are other elements that
involved there, other than just because
of studying. These involves more of her
personal problems, she needs you more
now but she doesn't want you to get
involved, this is what they call "personal space".
She is caught in a dilemma so just give
her what she wants, but never ever leave
her side yet. Try to find out about that part,
and you'll know how you can help her.
Maybe when the time comes, you'll still
end up together..good luck.
[quote=DanN DYKSTRA]My problem is, that I'm to addicted to Friendster layouts.
haha, no this is not a joke.I think it's quite serious.
like sometimes, I will go online around 7 hours a day straight just to create layouts and tweak them.that will be the first thing i do after i wake up.
and not just one day.it could go on for bout three days if i'm still not satisfied with the layout.
and when that happens, i will usually have breakfast at lunch time or later than that.
i'm so scared that my parents will scold me if the electric bill will be higher than normal..
but i can't help it.I am so full of passion when i'm creating layouts.
anyone has any useful advice for me?maybe on how can I take it easy when creating layouts, or stuff like that.

Ahahaha, quite a funny but, scary prob you have.

Actually, if you've got talent, don't be scared
about it! Instead, make benefits with your lay outs
so that the electric bill won't concern you that much
and help your parents pay up instead. You know
what i mean.. ($$$) Other than that, have self control
and schedule your time. Hobbies are suppose to
make you happy, not kill you. So eat right.

That's all i can say or now.