• » No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[quote=lucknskill]Is it love on the internet? Man, you're not alone. It's very common nowadays due to many chatting, forum, online games, and cyber match-making. As far as anyone know, only 1 out of 10 couples became successful in Long distance relationship. I've been there, and it really won't work unless your patient and determined with your partner. Like she really will be your ONLY one. And the chances for the both of you to be together is high, why not? I may be harsh now, but if it is not that serious, just treat it like a short term relationship and do not expect much so that it won't hurt. =|[/quote] Maybe your ryt, i'll not expect much so that it won't hurt. thx, <(~_~)>
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

^w0w raymart, don't tell me your inlove? :wow: Dun have problem as of now.. ;]
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[quote=lucknskill][b]@ReverseEdge:[/b] Oh, that's quite a tough decision you have. So, you'll have to resign huh..Well, i'm quite moved by your attitude of being able to decide on your own. That's pretty cool ^^ I know with an attitude like that, you'll surely be a 'one man army'..good luck and godbless man![/quote] Ohhh I'm pleased to say thank you for the boost support sir, I appreciated much :) Thanks God luckly I enrolled all my left subjects but it has a bit confliction onto it. It's okey as long as I have time for my friends this coming first sem :)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

i have a problem my g.f and i took a break up .. she said that study first love later .. im not satisfied with her reason .. pls help me :crybaby:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

My problem is, that I'm to addicted to Friendster layouts. haha, no this is not a joke.I think it's quite serious. like sometimes, I will go online around 7 hours a day straight just to create layouts and tweak them.that will be the first thing i do after i wake up. and not just one day.it could go on for bout three days if i'm still not satisfied with the layout. and when that happens, i will usually have breakfast at lunch time or later than that. i'm so scared that my parents will scold me if the electric bill will be higher than normal.. but i can't help it.I am so full of passion when i'm creating layouts. anyone has any useful advice for me?maybe on how can I take it easy when creating layouts, or stuff like that. :D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

still w8ing 4 ur help ....... :crybaby:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[quote=sirmcfly]i have a problem my g.f and i took a break up .. she said that study first love later .. im not satisfied with her reason .. pls help me :crybaby:[/quote] There sure are other elements that involved there, other than just because of studying. These involves more of her personal problems, she needs you more now but she doesn't want you to get involved, this is what they call "personal space". She is caught in a dilemma so just give her what she wants, but never ever leave her side yet. Try to find out about that part, and you'll know how you can help her. Maybe when the time comes, you'll still end up together..good luck. ;) [quote=DanN DYKSTRA]My problem is, that I'm to addicted to Friendster layouts. haha, no this is not a joke.I think it's quite serious. like sometimes, I will go online around 7 hours a day straight just to create layouts and tweak them.that will be the first thing i do after i wake up. and not just one day.it could go on for bout three days if i'm still not satisfied with the layout. and when that happens, i will usually have breakfast at lunch time or later than that. i'm so scared that my parents will scold me if the electric bill will be higher than normal.. but i can't help it.I am so full of passion when i'm creating layouts. anyone has any useful advice for me?maybe on how can I take it easy when creating layouts, or stuff like that. :D[/quote] Ahahaha, quite a funny but, scary prob you have. :lol: Actually, if you've got talent, don't be scared about it! Instead, make benefits with your lay outs so that the electric bill won't concern you that much and help your parents pay up instead. You know what i mean.. ($$$) Other than that, have self control and schedule your time. Hobbies are suppose to make you happy, not kill you. So eat right. =| That's all i can say or now.
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[quote=sirmcfly]still w8ing 4 ur help ....... :crybaby:[/quote] please don't get angry dude, this is just my opinion. but i think study first & love later is right...the break-up was not necessary though. well i never had a gf so i don't know how's your situation or how was your feeling. :)
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[quote=lucknskill]Ahahaha, quite a funny but, scary prob you have. :lol: Actually, if you've got talent, don't be scared about it! Instead, make benefits with your lay outs so that the electric bill won't concern you that much and help your parents pay up instead. You know what i mean.. ($$$) Other than that, have self control and schedule your time. Hobbies are suppose to make you happy, not kill you. So eat right. =| That's all i can say or now.[/quote] thanks Sir lucknskill... but you know, i guess there's no need to make profit from my layout..they're not that great anyway and i'm not that talented too..haha. i'll try to organize a schedule or sumtin, like you said :D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

i have a problem .. :doubt: :doubt:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[quote=DanN DYKSTRA]thanks Sir lucknskill... but you know, i guess there's no need to make profit from my layout..they're not that great anyway and i'm not that talented too..haha. i'll try to organize a schedule or sumtin, like you said :D[/quote] Aww. Hehe. No prob.. :eh: [quote=cursedkiddo25]i have a problem .. :doubt: :doubt:[/quote] What is it?
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

how can u solve my insomia.. PLEASE HELP me.. coz its hard to sleep ... :wallbash:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[quote=skymansky]how can u solve my insomia.. PLEASE HELP me.. coz its hard to sleep ... :wallbash:[/quote] Do something boring. YEP! something that bores you. Haha. It always works. =|
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

I have a problem with my computer, can u buy me another one? lol jk... finally i solved my problem --- Math word problem of how to find the angle of the triangle!! heheh
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

i hava a problem coz i want to remove the background of my pic and its for me... can u solve this ? is there any one u know hu can do this.? [img]http://photos.friendster.com/photos/66/66/6086666/441703872m.jpg[/img] i want to remove the background, tnx even the background is white.

Last edited by skymansky (2007-06-07 01:47:42)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

^ just crop it its easy (:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

problem? lols. got many right here. first, people who always send me group messages that do not concern anything about me. second, the UPCAT. i'm all stressed out. my problem is how to get in that famous univeristy. third, my mom. she's all whatever to me. i dunno. i feel like i'm a doll and she's my master. whatever. there.
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[quote=*kim-a-holic]problem? lols. got many right here. first, people who always send me group messages that do not concern anything about me. second, the UPCAT. i'm all stressed out. my problem is how to get in that famous univeristy. .[/quote] u joined that group and its a must that u will receive any info or GM coz ur number is in their group list... second the UPCAT : i recommend that u choose a course that has a no COTA at all... its easy to enter with that idea coz u didnt nid to get a very high score... i dont even recommend the UPCAT review center just go to UP and sometimes they are giving a FREE review but u must have money for xerox copy of the REVIEWERS.... THAt's wat i know. JUST SHARING>>>>>>>>> =( [quote=leftalone]^ just crop it its easy (:[/quote] ei please do it for me i knew that before but i cant do it its hard for me.. soweeeeeeeeee.............. [color=#FF0000]_______________ i thnk its a double post so please edit this..thx[/color] [color=red]Posts Merged Please avoid double posting next time =)[/color]

Last edited by '-'LoisFuLL'-' (2007-06-08 04:03:42)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[quote=*kim-a-holic]problem? lols. got many right here. first, people who always send me group messages that do not concern anything about me.[/quote] Yeah, haha. you said that last night (and you were pretty scary) and i think that 'guy' still haven't stopped his GM..huh? Just ask him directly instead of naming him in ur own gm..and if you stressed about the upcat, don't think that it will be that difficult, just review every now and then with the lessons in third year and fourth year, i think i got a review book for upcat, do you need it kim?
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[quote=lucknskill]i think i got a review book for upcat, do you need it kim?[/quote] And you're gonna send it to her via [b]LBC[/b]?? or [b]fedEx[/b]?? hehe. ü. [b]Rock on! [/b] [img]http://www.shoutmix.com/smileys/buttrock.gif[/img]
  • » No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

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