• » No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

My problem now is,my crush is 2 years older than me,and he has this bestfriend which is my enemy.my crush and i are friends.how can i tell him that his bestfriend is my enemy?
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

I have a problem.... I'm trying to make a css extension... but when I was in the last part.. I got so confuse.... I dont know what to do.. according to the intruction.. in making a css extension.. go to underground... I went there... then wat will I do next?!? can somebody help me..:crybaby::crybaby:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

^faelnar84 I think you should talk to him face to face.. then tell him the truth... I know.. he can understand... why u and his friend are enemy... and maybe when u tell to him that thing.. he will look for ways so that u and his friends will be friends....
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

here's my prob... i know my mom is so tired of my laziness... she said that im not doing anything... she doesnt want me to eat coz im lazy... dang it... i know she juz want me to work in hauz.. but do u wanna work after being talked lyk dat.. i wanna go out of this house... but i have a prob.. 1. i dont drive 2. i looked at my savings, its juz lyk.. err.. my savings i think is not enough to move to an aprtmnt.. pluz the expenses for my nusring boards is reli heavy... i dunnow.. i reli wanna move out... and dont tell me to talk to my mom.. wer not close owkie...? dang it.. im serious at this time..

Last edited by cUtiEshika (2008-05-24 12:43:54)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

^ i have a similar prob with u ate shika. but the difference is i'm still a student and i'm not there abroad. so, in the mean time i'll suffer this life living in our hell house. =| i had a talk with my friend just last night (while we were having our on call graveyard shift), her girl cousin now living in LA was still a nursing student but a blacksheep in the family. if that daughter(my friend's cousing) is having a fight with her mom, the girl would just get out of the house and live with her boyfriend for like 1 year without talking to her mom because every time she comes back to their house, a fight would always occur between them. hmmm. i mean, i can't help with your prob right now but i'm just sharing this to you. hahaha. i'm not suggesting either. :P you're on your own ate. ;)
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[b]faelnar84[/b]: why were you enemies with his bestfriend? maybe you can fix up things? try talking to your so-called enemy.:lol: but if doesn't work, just try to tell it to your crush. maybe he'll be the one to make the move in befriending the two of you.:) [b]topic[/b]: problem? hmm. nah. i'm just missing my [color=white]schoolcrush/ excrush[/color]. and i think he already has a gf. waaa.:crybaby: i'm so depressed.:rolleyes:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

my problem is so no-brainer,but still so hard to solve..how do u dump a person u loved before and suddenly u fall out of love, without hurting their feelings coz u know ul be hurt too...confusing??? yup thats wat i am today..totally confused.(sigh) :paranoid: [spoiler][color=red][b]hi bianx_o6..we meet again :D [/b][/color][/spoiler]

Last edited by unique_user (2008-05-25 14:16:36)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[quote=unique_user]..how do u dump a person u loved before and suddenly u fall out of love, without hurting their feelings coz u know ul be hurt too...[/quote] get cold.... den juz wait 4 that person to dump u... watch how to lose a guy in ten days.. =D [b]@weng[/b]: thnx for that creepy story... =D errr.. its juz hard.. the balancing thing... but im still thinking though.. its included in my long range plan.. =D [b]@topic:[/b] [b]my pc crashed.. 30 infections found[/b].. :o couldnt beliv it.. trojans, malware, spyware and all silverwares found.. :wallbash: i have all the pop ups in the whole wide cybernet... its not fixed yet... my pc is not starting.. and i dunnw wat to do.. :crybaby:

Last edited by cUtiEshika (2008-05-26 09:17:25)

daixee mae
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

nice thread! well,my problem is that my parents are scolding me for being not being an honor student.since kinder until 1st yr.hs,i'm part of the top 10 but on 2nd yr.,i've been a procrastinator,i pass projects late.come to school late and worst is that i don't study that much.when my parents knew that i'm not honor anymore,they asked me on what's the problem with me.they are giving me anything that i need,last school year,my Papa bought me my own pc so that i can research well, but i did not research,etc. im getting busy doing photo edits and joining online communities..but the MAIN problem is that i have a boyfriend...i can't focus on my studies because of him.. should i break up with him?:cry:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

daixee: what you need is a lifetime partner not a past time lover. love can wait, it will come at the right time, you're still young.. so for now, skip the love bug and focus on your studies, for the better good..reduce your extra browsing in the net because sooner or later, it might be hard for you to stop that hobby all of a sudden when you reach college. just a friendly advice ^_^
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[quote=daixee mae]nice thread! well,my problem is that my parents are scolding me for being not being an honor student.since kinder until 1st yr.hs,i'm part of the top 10 but on 2nd yr.,i've been a procrastinator,i pass projects late.come to school late and worst is that i don't study that much.when my parents knew that i'm not honor anymore,they asked me on what's the problem with me.they are giving me anything that i need,last school year,my Papa bought me my own pc so that i can research well, but i did not research,etc. im getting busy doing photo edits and joining online communities..but the MAIN problem is that i have a boyfriend...i can't focus on my studies because of him.. should i break up with him?[/quote] If you really love your BF then don't dump him sis, consider him instead as a source of inspiration to get you motivated in your studies and goals in life..If he is the type of BF who supports you on your goals and encourages you to do what's needed to be done in life then keep that relationship. If he's the type who just wants to spend time with you 24/7 and not caring whether it would affect your studies or not then it's time to dump him =D I don't thnik your bf is the root cause on not achieving or doing well on your studies lately..i guess it's the habit on diverting your attention on engaging in online activities like photo editing and joining forums..i know it's really addicting but it's not too late to change..Just cut out the habit of procrastinating and start to prioritize things that would help you attain your goals and achieve well in school =| If you still wanna do all those online activities and keep your relationship.. then you should know on how to balance all of them.. like focus more on school on weekdays and go online on weekends..spare some time with your bf..communication is really important too =) studies in really important and you're lucky enough having the support of your parents, sustaining you on everything you need to do well in school...not everyone has that opportunity. Well just like your caption " Dare to be different' in a positive way...don't consider school as something you just need to accomplish just for the sake of finishing it.. online activities is just a temporary thing..Think about the future..only education can help you pursue your dreams in life.. =) [quote=unique_user]my problem is so no-brainer,but still so hard to solve..how do u dump a person u loved before and suddenly u fall out of love, without hurting their feelings coz u know ul be hurt too...confusing??? yup thats wat i am today..totally confused.(sigh)[/quote] The only way is to confront that person as soon as possible (once you'd have that "i don't love him anymore feeling) and tell the truth..simply be honest to that person.. People really do end up getting hurt but confronting over the issue is far better than having arguments later on and have that feeling on just forcing yourself to stay in the relationship for the sake of avoiding on hurting that person..open up on everything, cite your concerns and express freely how you feel about the relationship...later on that person would understand..though it may hurt..but time does heal.. =|
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

Problem with my girl :( Im close to getting tired of my girl. She kept our relationship a secret, she doesnt text me always and just say hi or hello occasionaly. And she's so stubborn, she always picks a fight with me then she just says sorry every next day! I cant understand her. It's almost like she still have a relationship with someone and shes always occupied with that person.:( I never dreamed to be in this situation but Im not sure of what i suspect thats why i cant breath, cant move and dont know what to do. Should I just leave this one and find someone else?:O Nid Advices pls..=(
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

i also have a problem with my girl.. her parents dont like me.. what should i do.? :crybaby:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[b]saxah999[/b]: is it a long distance relationship? well, if it is its kinda hard. but if it isn't. try talking to her face-to-face. ask her if there's any problem, liek that. try looking at her eyes to know if she's telling the truth. [b]darylldelfin[/b]: try making [i]ligaw[/i] to the parents. that what boys usually do. and if the girl really loves you, she'll make a way for you to be accepted by her parents.=) [b]unique_user[/b]: hey. regarding your problem, just tell it to him/her. there's nothing you can do. its easier to tell the truth than making a lie. and feeling hurt is just temporary, you'll see.:D
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

yes i have a problem that i've been dealing with for months since i get this prob i can't make my life peaceful anymore... long ago, i fall for a person that is not my partner and i happen to cheat my partner because of that person. and all of a sudden for no reason that love was lost and we fail to pursue the realtionship so i came back to my partner that i cheated who is actually fighting for me from the start. after long period of being together our realtionship became hell due to more fights and arguments about the past -- about what i did to him, about the cheating thing that i did to him. everytime we had a fight he mention the guys name to me and the things i did to him and i got pissed off.. always. i can't imagine that after all of my efforts of bringing back the sweet relationship that i destroyed, he still can't move on. he always mention that guys name to our arguments... wtf! i cant bear with those situations that always ends to me leaving him, but fail coz he always do things that will avoid me from leaving. i believe that if we get separated things will be more better but he dont want me to leave. i cant take those arguments and fights anymore. there are times that i hurt myself physically instead because of deppression and stress in our relationship. to be honest. last night i cought him chatting, i just asked him about it and he became so sarcastic on defending himself and turned into bringing my past with that guy i get involved with and because of too much anger i happen to hit the wall with my bear hands. i almost break my whrist. and got so many bruises all over my hands and palm for what ive done... but after that, it was useless because im still living with the same person... im getting tired of this... what will i do? i feel like im a prisoner, i want to be free, from pain-physically and emotionally... i can live without him but he can't. he wont allow me to leave. what will i do now?
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

I have 4 USB ports. My problem is if I connect one USB device (printer, joypad,etc), the device running ok. =) If I connect two USB devices, the devices start to operate below average. If I connect three, more problem occurs such as: -when transfer data to pen drive - cannot copy, path too deep -device not found I can't imagine if I connect 4. So, anybody kindly please answer my question.. :crybaby:
Shim Oo-Ma
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

^ Sorry but don't know anything about technology. -- [b]TOPIC[/b] I will start doing suicide one day. Yes! Be happy! This stupid f*cking Uma is starting a suicide :lol: Why? The reasons are of the following:- [spoiler]1) Life is starting to get boring. 2) People who were once my friends are starting to ignore me headlessly. 3) My bf won't talk to me because i'm a fan of a celebrity :wasted: 4) I don't have anything to do during summer.... haizz.... 5) My bestfriends aren't at home mostly. Ughh... 6) People treat my like shit 7) I have to destiny in my life....Tsk... [/spoiler] And oh yes! Ignore this! Ignore it! C'mon everybody, ignore my post! You will understand how I feel if you're in my place.
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

[b]@사랑해요UmA_loVe사랑해요[/b] it'll get better soon. Only stupid people commit suicide. If your old friends ignore you -- then they're not your real friends. Don't let others treat you like crap. Hold your head high. When everything else seems crappy and shitty now, tomorrow will be different... [b]@butterfly_lady_08[/b] he doesn't control your life. YOU DO. I can see that your relationship with him is not healthy anymore. Do what makes you happy. (either leave him or stay with him and fix your problem, you decide) :thumbsup:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

^ thank you for the sympathy... and i must take your advice. it was so tiring for me and that man to continue our life together... my problem now is i was thinking of pursuing my relationship with my friend... yet he seemed so playful and he often make friends and i get jealous specially when he was telling me stories about fling thing im hurt of course im not "bato" duh! that friend of mine happen to be the reason why my relationship with my present partner is not in good terms anymore. i happen to find it hard to sleep last night thinking about him and im so confused with what to do. i still feel the comfort from him yet i can see that he was having a very fun time of having his so called "close friend". yesterday we argued about this things and it end up on me not getting into serious relationship with him but i doubt it was more like i want to be with him, yet he made me decide easily. he's also in his present relationship so what can we do about it?
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

^ Nice advice [b]forsakendoll [/b] ;):thumbsup: --- [b]사랑해요UmA_loVe사랑해요 [/b] Dont do that, your reason is not that serious. There are many ways to solved your problem. A suicide is not a solution. I have also a big problem [i](but i dont want to share it here, its too complicated)[/i] =( many people loves you, your family, friends, and relatives. dont waste your life for that. ok buddy. ;) BTW, whats your fster? retrospect [i](without " S ")?[/i]

Last edited by dondon (2008-06-12 20:39:17)

  • » No, this ain't a fight thread. =| Just something i came up with To prevent making too much threads. It's not really compulsory but post your share of problems here.. 'bout life, love, society, or yo

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