[quote=HiLyNkAwAii]^ sis shy ur welcome but lol.. so u mean they are only living in?

anywoot dear sis cheer up! ,. Thank God coz He let you know all these earlier.

if that day comes (proposing) ...He must be be very sure that his obligation to his children arent being set aside isnt it?...

Sis kew Im really happy for you... move on and get a BETTER life on you own

have u seen this thread?
for serious cases

,.more clear answers for complicated cases... according to them

but Ate hy will always be here lil sis

ahehehe ate hy... yup ur ryt... dey are just wat we call "[b]live-in[/b]" for the sake of der kids

.. u know we just saw each other last nyt, even though im not allowed to, but i cant help it...im so [b]D**N[/b] inlove with him, i told him that wen the day([b]proposing[/b]) comes, he must be sure that he'll do anything and evrything to let his daughters understand him en i want his children to know and be close to me, coz i lyk kids u know, ahehehe... i wish he do propose to me but then i wish he stays with his family... ouch!!! im so "[b]nakakalito[/b]" ahehehe but then i want him so bad... he typed something @ my cp, it was "[b]plz tel me ur just lying[/b](that i want him to go away and be with his family) [b]and just doing this for something...[/b]" and i told him last nyt that "[b]yes... im just lying and im doing this for d sake of something... but i want you to know that i'll be here wen the ryt tym comes... i'll be w8ing for you...[/b]" then he cried and told me [b]he luvs me[/b]... and willing to loose everything but not [b]ME[/b] ehehehe i cried too u know coz now i know that even if i takes [b]forever[/b], i know [b]he'll be back for me[/b]... thnx again ate hy...

but still the [b]hurt of letting him go is still here[/b]...
Last edited by `Ms. ShY` (2008-04-20 09:27:40)