thank you for making my signature the Aug Winner, you guys are awesome! ily♥
[spoiler]PM me if you've voted for me

[quote=imdemoprincess]i just noticed that there are so many people who leave skyline without any reasonable reason.

well, for my part. its not good just leaving a group without any notice..[/quote]
Yeah, I don't blame them, people come and go. They don't feel like being here so they go to where there's most activity. I noticed too that we not a lot of people are posting here.. considering that I've approved a number of them. Anyway, we should have somekind of note saying that if anyone wants to leave they should let us know so the members here & sis Chii don't feel insulted for just using our group as a rebound for groups they don't feel like being in anymore.
[quote=Linniie]my taekwondo exam at 31 =___=
i didnt study yet

That's so kewl! gluck sista

[quote=naomi_kateline12]so when will the cutie of the month start can i join??..[/quote]
It should start soon, since the last contest had just ended. Hope Sis Chii starts responding here hehe..
[b]Question[/b]: does anyone have their own website?
if so, visit mines & let's be affiliated ^^ [[url=http://linphetamine.co.nr/]Linphetamine.co.nr[/url]][/align]
Last edited by sugarstyx_x (2008-08-20 16:05:32)