• » This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=nahzbate]sugarstyx_x wrote: I wonder where sis Chii went. Maybe Sisz Aina Is Busy That's Why She's Not Onliine Everyday.[/quote] yeah, but she just reposted a new date for the contest. hm.. hope she isn't too busy to say hi to everyone here. especially it is her group. hope she's ok. [quote=imdemoprincess]maybe imma leave skyline? i dunno, i liek it there.. :cry:[/quote] I understand sis. [align=center] :arrow: [b]TO ALL OF MY LOVELY SKYLINE SISTERS[/b]: [color=pink][b]although I do like being the leader here and honored to a member, of course. BUT i will feel bad if i leave such nice members whom i know here in skyline, cause i will miss my sissies. I'm probably going to retire soon, when sis Chii comes back because I won't be able to handle being a leader here for now. school's tomorrow *yawns Sis chii said she will understand if I leave, but I will wait until she's back. I don't want to just abandon you guys. I hope you all understand me too.[/b][/color][/align]

Last edited by sugarstyx_x (2008-08-24 22:37:09)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

@sis lei. oh, i see. i also noticed that. :rolleyes: it's good to here that you will still stay for a week here. hope you enjoy this week. :D

Last edited by _berii.^ü (2008-08-24 23:22:57)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=imdemoprincess]owhh.. sorry to say that our member ASHEDKAWAII was cursed because of spamming in the sticky topic: Opening Graphic Gifts. =([/quote] Yeah. AshedKawaii Just Got [b]CURSED[/b]. I Feel Sorry For Her. [quote=sugarstyx_x]yeah, but she just reposted a new date for the contest. hm.. hope she isn't too busy to say hi to everyone here. especially it is her group. hope she's ok.[/quote] Yeah. Hope She's Okay. [quote=sugarstyx_x]:arrow: TO ALL OF MY LOVELY SKYLINE SISTERS: although I do like being the leader here and honored to a member, of course. BUT i will feel bad if i [b]leave[/b] such nice members whom i know here in skyline, cause i will miss my sissies. I'm probably going to [b]retire soon[/b], when sis Chii comes back because I won't be able to handle being a leader here for now. [b]school's tomorrow [/b]*yawns Sis chii said she will understand if I [b]leave[/b], but I will wait until she's back. I don't want to just abandon you guys. I hope you all understand me too.[/quote] I Understand You Sisz. We Will Still Miss You.

Last edited by nahzbate (2008-08-24 22:38:49)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[align=center][b]hi yo all how are you fwendz....[/b][/align]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

^^ Hi nice to meet you. I'm fyn. How 'bout you? By teh way, welcome to skyline. <3
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

sorry i had to edit that to emphasize so that all members would notice my message. [quote=nahzbate]Yeah. AshedKawaii Just Got CURSED[/quote] I just noticed that too. :idea: You know one thing [b]we have to enforce[/b] is make them [b]knowledgeable about the rules[/b], because we are also getting new members here in our group. If you see a member [b]disobeying[/b] a rule, even if they don't know they are breaking it, [b]let them know[/b].. [u]don't be mean [/u] to them by giving them [b]-repu[/b] or giving [b]bad message[/b].. simply let them know that: [u]you're here to be supportive as a fellow member[/u] & [b]help them [/b]roam around this forum without getting into trouble.

Last edited by sugarstyx_x (2008-08-24 22:46:48)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=sugarstyx_x]I just noticed that too.[/quote] Me Too Sisz. I Think The Moderators Changed Her Avatars. Could She Change That Too? [hr][hr][hr] Good Mowning Skyliners. Hows Your Day.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=ninafaye]Good Mowning Skyliners. Hows Your Day.[/quote] Fyn Siszie. How 'bout you?
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=imdemoprincess]i haven't been enjoying it here these past few days and the leader and founder is not active[/quote] sis hope you understand, that t[u]he only thing i can do as the Leader of this group is[/u]: [b]approve[/b] any new comers, & [b]edit the INFO box[/b] where the music player is at. [b]I cannot plan any activities, as it needs Sis Chii's approval[/b]. I'm sorry for being a lousy leader, I know you've been patient & as well as other members. I thank you for that. I hope the[b] next leaders [/b]to come [b]will learn from my mistakes [/b]& will [b]make it better[/b] for everyone at Skyline.

Last edited by sugarstyx_x (2008-08-24 22:57:14)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

oh guys, what's happening? :paranoid:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=_berii.^ü]oh guys, what's happening? :paranoid:[/quote] I Dunno Siszie. <3
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[b][quote=nahzbate]Fyn Siszie. How 'bout you?[/quote] Not Fyn Sisz. WORRIED About Our Project. So HARD! :crybaby:[/b]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

Hey girls. I'm new. :lol: I'm Jyka, 14yo. Hope I am welcome here. :D
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=EleeGirl]Wahahah.. It's sooo funyy.. but if u want a diveder,go to www.glitter-graphics.com and at the left side,there are navigation links,just find for divder and u can find it foe u!! Soo..use from dat siite so that u wont make people confuse .. muahha[/quote] oops. sorry sissy. HUWEE~~ :D hi to all. &&hi to our new member. sis anne :D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=sugarstyx_x]sis hope you understand, that the only thing i can do as the Leader of this group is: approve any new comers, & edit the INFO box where the music player is at. I cannot plan any activities, as it needs Sis Chii's approval. I'm sorry for being a lousy leader, I know you've been patient & as well as other members. I thank you for that. I hope the next leaders to come will learn from my mistakes & will make it better for everyone at Skyline.[/quote] yea sis i understand. =| and i know that, maybe i was just too impatient to wait for u and sis chii. :( --- welcome sis Jyka /edit i just went to PALUSOT.com and huwwaaaa!! it said Newest Member Sugarstyx_x with sis lin's picture!! waaa!! yohhooo

Last edited by imdemoprincess (2008-08-25 01:03:01)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=jykaaa]Hey girls. I'm new. :lol: I'm Jyka, 14yo. Hope I am welcome here. :D[/quote] hi sis. im rissa. :D
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=imdemoprincess]yea sis i understand. =| and i know that, maybe i was just too impatient to wait for u and sis chii. :([/quote] That's understandable sis, i don't blame you for being impatient. Cause, honestly, I was getting a little bored too. [quote=imdemoprincess]i just went to PALUSOT.com and huwwaaaa!! it said Newest Member Sugarstyx_x with sis lin's picture!![/quote] LOL yeah i just went there now. It's cool i think ^^ did you join?

Last edited by sugarstyx_x (2008-08-25 01:05:13)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=yna_16]&&hi to our new member.[/quote] Hi sis. What should I call you? Sis ..? [quote=imdemoprincess]welcome sis Jyka[/quote] Hey. Yu too, what should I call you? Sissss..? [quote=_berii.^ü]hi sis. im rissa[/quote] Hi sis Rissa. What's going on here? :D
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

hi amigos amigas! check my new layie: http://theftalk.com/t42970-New-layie-from-me%21.html
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=ninafaye]Not Fyn Sisz. WORRIED About Our Project. So HARD! :crybaby:[/quote] HARHAR. [quote=jykaaa]Hey girls. I'm new. :lol: I'm Jyka, 14yo. Hope I am welcome here. :D[/quote] Hi Jyka.. [quote=yna_16]HUWEE~~ :D hi to all. &&hi to our new member. sis anne :D[/quote] Hi Siszie. @MsKawaii-- : Nice Lay.

Last edited by nahzbate (2008-08-25 01:12:08)

  • » This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

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