• » This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

ello all sizies :D:D::D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=Linniie]ello all sizies :D:D::D[/quote] Halloo Sisz. Just Got Online These Evening.
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=imdemoprincess]o2jam? wuts yer o2jam? name[/quote] my name in o2jam sis? :D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=_berii.^ü]my name in o2jam sis? :D[/quote] yup, yup. maybe ill add u as a friend if ever ill catch u online. ps. remember im always at EUTA
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

Guysz Check This Out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EC7WzgTpRQ And Teh Lyrics: http://www.onlylyrics.com/song.php?id=30772 ^^ That's Onlii For Teh One Who Didn't See Teh Video.
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=imdemoprincess]yup, yup. maybe ill add u as a friend if ever ill catch u online. ps. remember im always at EUTA[/quote] [b]chuchuz[/b] is my name there. oh, ur always in euta eh? maybe i'll go there sometimes. :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

Anyone to talk with?
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[b]edited[/b] im sleepy. whew. no one around here huh~? well, im going to sleep now. see yah tomorrow gurlsz. :)

Last edited by _berii.^ü (2008-08-24 11:48:12)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

^^ Nighty Siszie. Good Night.
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[align=center]I wonder who will be the Skyline Girl of The Month?!?! :wow: I see new faces here ^^ glad to see you guys are being active. I wonder where sis Chii went. So here i am again, i miss my lil sistahs!! <333 how are you all?? ate(big sis) Lin is here haha :hugs:[/align] WELCOME TO ALL NEW MEMBERS <333 Sorry i couldn't do individual hellos, it would be too much since there are lots of new members here!! So all of the skyline sistahs give the new members a big hug! :D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=sugarstyx_x]I wonder who will be the Skyline Girl of The Month?!?! :wow:[/quote] hoo, yess me too.. [quote=sugarstyx_x]So here i am again, i miss my lil sistahs!! <333 how are you all?? ate(big sis) Lin is here haha :hugs:[/quote] where were you? we missed you alot!!=| yeah, there are new faces and their active... so whats the activity for august?? can u plan it now so we do'n't rattle for our activities? haha
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=sugarstyx_x]I wonder who will be the Skyline Girl of The Month?!?! :wow:[/quote] Yeah Sisz I Wonder Who Will Be.. [quote=sugarstyx_x]I see new faces here ^^ glad to see you guys are being active.[/quote] Yeah Sisz.. [quote=sugarstyx_x]I wonder where sis Chii went.[/quote] Maybe Sisz Aina Is Busy That's Why She's Not Onliine Everyday. [quote=sugarstyx_x]So here i am again, i miss my lil sistahs!! <333 how are you all??[/quote] I'm Fyn Siszie. How 'Bout You?
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

good morning gurlsz.. :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

^^ Good Morning Sisz.
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

^ hello sis nahzbate. how are you? :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

^^ I'm Fyn.. How 'Bout You?
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

^ im fine too. :D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=_berii.^ü]good morning gurlsz.. :D[/quote] guud morning!! how's ya sleep? guud morning skyline peepz.. [spoiler]maybe imma leave skyline? i dunno, i liek it there.. :cry:[/spoiler]
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=imdemoprincess]guud morning!! how's ya sleep? guud morning skyline peepz.. maybe imma leave skyline? i dunno, i liek it there.. :cry:[/quote] my sleep's fine but got a weird dream. :retard: why will you leave?
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

owhh.. sorry to say that our member [b]ASHEDKAWAII[/b] was [i]cursed[/i] because of spamming in the sticky topic: Opening Graphic Gifts. =( [quote=_berii.^ü]my sleep's fine but got a weird dream. :retard: why will you leave?[/quote] owh haha, these past few days i haven't been having dreams. rofl. i wanna leave because.. [spoiler]i haven't been enjoying it here these past few days and the leader and founder is not active so the group is not active too.. but i think ill still stay for few week. :D[/spoiler]
  • » This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

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