[quote=imdemoprincess]owhh.. sorry to say that our member ASHEDKAWAII was cursed because of spamming in the sticky topic: Opening Graphic Gifts.

Yeah. AshedKawaii Just Got [b]CURSED[/b].
I Feel Sorry For Her.
[quote=sugarstyx_x]yeah, but she just reposted a new date for the contest. hm..
hope she isn't too busy to say hi to everyone here. especially it is her group. hope she's ok.[/quote]
Yeah. Hope She's Okay.

although I do like being the leader here and honored to a member, of course.
BUT i will feel bad if i [b]leave[/b] such nice members
whom i know here in skyline, cause i will miss my sissies.
I'm probably going to [b]retire soon[/b], when sis Chii comes back
because I won't be able to handle being a leader here for now. [b]school's tomorrow [/b]*yawns
Sis chii said she will understand if I [b]leave[/b], but I will wait until she's back.
I don't want to just abandon you guys.
I hope you all understand me too.[/quote]
I Understand You Sisz. We Will Still Miss You.
Last edited by nahzbate (2008-08-24 22:38:49)