[quote=zephyr14]hi, i have a question..
but i dunno if its appropriate to ask it here..
but if not, just ignore my question...
well, here it is:
while my mom was chatting in ym, she accidentally clicked on the link
with www[dot]thecoolpics blah blah something..
(i changed "." to [dot] so no one can click the link.. for your own safety..

i know this is some kind of a virus, right?
and now, everytime i open our internet explorer,
its homepage now is that link.
and when ever i wanna change its homepage,
i cannot be changed, its like its button is disabled.
and now, im scanning my pc with AVG
but it seems like it do nothing..
no matter how many time i scan my pc,
the same worms are showing in the scan..
we are deciding to reformatt our pc
but, is there anyway other than this?
any help or suggestions there?
thanks btw.

i suggest scan and fix your pc with hijackthis. if you are familiar with application in your computer its easy to fix it with this little tools.
get it from here:
<">if you have no idea about the basic running system file scan your pc with hijackthis and post your logs here so that i can help you.