• » I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

» Banned
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Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

another question: i have a application in my PC that i can not uninstall? i try to look at "add/remove program" but it wasn't there?
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

You can go to you programs on drive c Open your programs and delete it from there Geeezzz im having a lot of wrong spelling hehehe bear with it. I type so fast really fast :rolleyes:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

[b]eptokers help me!!!! :crybaby: the guide told me to do this [quote]To copy the entire screen Press PRINT SCREEN.[/quote] but then it didntwork i'm using a laptop the print screen key was with an insert key just lyk dis: [img]http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/2753/prntyo9.gif[/img][/b]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

^ hello nicey .. do you have a button named "Fn" ( short for 'function' ) ? If you have it then Press the "Fn" button then your "Insert/Print Screen" button simultaneously . "Fn" key may be named differently in other laptop models .. btw .. what is your laptop make and model? thanks, kabuteman

Last edited by kabuteman (2007-08-04 15:36:31)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

it is[b] hp [/b] kuya kabuteman (luv your name kuya!!!hehe lolsz..) [b]and thankies xoo much kuya it did work!!! wahhh>>>thankieszz xoo much!![/b] [b]i again hab a problem , my desktop says that virtual memory too low>>what shall i do????[/b] :crybaby:

Last edited by nicey (2007-08-04 20:05:26)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

[quote=nicey]it is[b] hp [/b] kuya kabuteman (luv your name kuya!!!hehe lolsz..) [b]and thankies xoo much kuya it did work!!! wahhh>>>thankieszz xoo much!![/b] [b]i again hab a problem , my desktop says that virtual memory too low>>what shall i do????[/b] :crybaby:[/quote] Need some more RAM When a virtual memory is appearing its actually uses your hardisk for the program to run. Just avoid opening lot of programs when youre doing something on your pc. Just like I said you need more memory or need to upgrade your video card Hope that helps.

Last edited by angelalaine (2007-08-05 00:49:50)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

[b]thanks soo much ....[/b] :D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

you're most welcome nicey .. :)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

HELLO!!!! can you help me again??? hmmm... I want to use two hard drives... hmmm... but I dont know how?? others said to me that I need to change the position of the Jumper?? Im not sure if its called jumper.... btw kuya kabute man.... I thought it was K A B U T E man meaning mushroom man.... wahehehe.... :D
» n00b
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Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

Hi senyorito .. I would assume you have an "IDE" drive , and typically at the bottom end of it (beside where you connect the IDE cable and the 4-prong power cable) there is a white(sometimes brown) 'thinge' which is the "jumper". You can pluck this out and re-insert(or not insert back at all) to allow you to configure your hard drive whether you will use it as a Master (mainly the bootup drive) or a Slave (just an add on drive). Try this link: http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=jumper+ide+drive&gbv=2 This will tell you how the "jumper" looks like. Now, here's the tricky part , every vendor has their own way of placing the "jumper" in the IDE drive , so you will need to tinker around the drive's manual to do this. Hmm, one thing you can try though is to ensure you set your "first drive" (Current drive at your pc) to MASTER, then for the new "second drive" , just "pluck out" its jumper and don't reinsert back. Your motherboard in some cases will configure your system based on the "cable arrangement". However, if this does not work , you will have to do some trial and error :) .. Sorry, for my experience, this can be a bit tricky , no direct route really, but to keep trying several configurations in the jumper panel. :) for my nick , hehehe ... "mushroom"-man ? That works too .. but I thought a more "wholesome" meaning would be "You're Good" :) ... either way works for me!

Last edited by kabuteman (2007-08-05 14:44:52)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

[b]wakok..i hab problems again!! i'm sorry i didnot place it in one posts coz i just found this probz.. btw,here they are: :arrow: whenever i try to transfer files from my phone to the laptop via bluetooth..i cannot transfer bcoz of the password thingy... i dunno where to get this password>> where do you think i can get the password??? :crybaby: :arrow: how to use the web cam which is built-in in the laptop??? :crybaby: hope you guys can help!!! thank you soo much!!![/b]

Last edited by nicey (2007-08-10 09:48:52)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

[quote=nicey][b]wakok..i hab problems again!! i'm sorry i didnot place it in one posts coz i just found this probz.. btw,here they are: :arrow: whenever i try to transfer files from my phone to the laptop via bluetooth..i cannot transfer bcoz of the password thingy... i dunno where to get this password>> where do you think i can get the password??? :crybaby: :arrow: how to use the web cam which is built-in in the laptop??? :crybaby: hope you guys can help!!! thank you soo much!!![/b][/quote] Hi nicey, hmm.. it may be asking for your administrator password for your laptop .. (just a guess) for your web cam ... there should be accompanying drivers/software when you got your laptop to install your webcam .. also another way is possibly getting your drivers/software directly from your laptop vendor via their support website .. almost all vendors has a support site .. my guess you can find them there too . hope this helps
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

[b]thanks again kuya kabute man!!!![/b] =) [b]this is a huge help!![/b]
mango juice
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

what's wrong with my pc?.. when i turned it on this morning, the color just altered.. its more on violet... and i recive this alert that my system just recovered a serious error... i already rebooted my pc and its still the same... huhuhu... can anybody here help me?... and tell me what could be wrong?.. thankzzzzz...
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

^ It could be your video card. Try to unplug the cable monitor from the vid card. Cleaning the video card, might help. If you're not sure how to handle it, ask someone who knows. Just in case, this video tutorial might help: http://www.expertvillage.com/videos/computer-clean-video-card.htm
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

[quote=Padme]^ It could be your video card. Try to unplug the cable monitor from the vid card. Cleaning the video card, might help. If you're not sure how to handle it, ask someone who knows. Just in case, this video tutorial might help: http://www.expertvillage.com/videos/computer-clean-video-card.htm[/quote] If this still wont work try also restoring your pc to an earlier day some programs might be affected when you download something on your pc :)
mango juice
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

hi!.. thanks for your help Padme and angelalaine.. its ok now... i didnt do anything actually.. but when i turned it on again after class its already back to normal... ;)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

sometimes this can happen too, when your video cable attached to the computer is "loose" . Anyhow, good to know this is now working.
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

hi, i have a question.. but i dunno if its appropriate to ask it here.. but if not, just ignore my question... well, here it is: while my mom was chatting in ym, she accidentally clicked on the link with www[dot]thecoolpics blah blah something.. (i changed "." to [dot] so no one can click the link.. for your own safety.. =) ) i know this is some kind of a virus, right? and now, everytime i open our internet explorer, its homepage now is that link. and when ever i wanna change its homepage, i cannot be changed, its like its button is disabled. and now, im scanning my pc with AVG but it seems like it do nothing.. no matter how many time i scan my pc, the same worms are showing in the scan.. we are deciding to reformatt our pc but, is there anyway other than this? any help or suggestions there? thanks btw. :)

Last edited by zephyr14 (2007-09-13 11:27:32)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

hi zephyr, There could be several reasons why you cannot set your home page. It's a bit tedious work though, see this url: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/320159 One other thing you can do is use a different web browser application. Firefox is a very good alternative, Opera ok too. you can get them here: http://getfirefox.com http://opera.com I wouldnt encourage you to use your IE for buying stuffs over the net , since there could be some malware that will steal some of your privy information. hope this helps
  • » I came across several posts here, seems quite a number of folks have pretty good handle on computers, internet , websites , or other techie stuff ... If you are a newbie to computers and you need hel

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