» Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
Question and Answer (the nxt person to you)
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again for the next person who will post,
and it continue till u run out of questions or answer lol..
ok its pretty easy..
you can ask any question you want to ask!!
Question: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
[b]Answer:[/b] Because it wanted to!
[b]Question:[/b] How is school?
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
Fine! Still like the same!
Q: Why do you signed up in Ftalk?
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
so i can share the stuffs that i know.. and also for the codes in the underground section.. and also to meet new friends..
Q: how are you ?
Last edited by ends..in..deatH (2008-06-15 02:17:02)
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
[b] I'm doing fine, I'm very happy...Everything's been so great lately.. [/b]
What is one thing you could tell us about yourself that others would be shocked to know?[/b] [b]LOL [/b]
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
Like thiS .. my disease.. i guess?? my friends dont know bout that!
r u a txt^a^hoLic??
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
before i am.. like i cannot live without mobile credit..
but now, i can live without it, because ftalk is here.. my friens are here have you been into a harsh fight?
Last edited by koleen_shigella (2008-06-15 08:51:37)
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
harsh fyt?ahmm dunno dat thing but in a fs fyt and a school fyt,ofcourse(until now... my fs fyt is not ending ill w8 for "her" rply tommorow )
how many cellphones do you have?
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
2,hahaha I'm donating my other one to charity.
Q. Are you happy with your life?
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
What do you mean [b]position[/b]? I dunno, sorry.
Do you think [b]Prostitution[/b] should be legalized?
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
A... lol wat a question.. its legal anyway in armsterdam lol redlight district baby..
Q... what is the best group to join here...
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
[b]I'm not sure, Class-S for me! XD
What's your mother's maider name?[/b]
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
well,as a man..i envy u...
do u know where can i found a Ness?
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
^ Super Ness?
Can't get you bro..
Q: How old do I look?
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
» Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again