» Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
[align=center][i]i have plenty of crushes!
oha'2x .. hehe .. who is ur love one?[/i][/align]
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
love ones...hehehe... my family and my true friends...:]
do you like horror movies?
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
^ oh yeah! i love to be scared & get scared!
i also love scaring people & make them pee on they're pants!
Do You Like me?!
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
hm... If I can know you better:]
do you like disney movies?
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
Yes! i love disney channel Movies!
do you like MTV?! music & video?!
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
do you like friendstertalk more than friendster?
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
both? I like both...hehehe...
do you like going to live concerts?
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
^ yah! i love concert especially if it is my fave band!
for you who's yhe best drummer, Guitarist, bass, Vocalist?!
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
I think guitarist... hehehe... for me guitarists are cool...heheh..:]
do you like playing online games?
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
^yah! i love playing OL games like Ragna, RF, Gunbound, o2jam, audition & ran!
what's ur fave online games!
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
only Ragnarok and Rose online...hehehe...:]
do you have game consoles?
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
^ whats's dat?! i have no idea!
well i need to go! going to layout our college magazine!
last Q: you like to be with me sumother time?!
[to be red soon! ]
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
^ ahaha...:]
@ topic: sure why not:]
Q: do you like RJA *red jumpsuit apparatus*?
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
do you like being around lazy people?
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
^hmmm...sumtimes! they make me LOL
do you like chickens?! i min chicken winged people! if u know wat i min!
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
no i dont like
Do you like people who walk using their heads?
Re: Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again
[align=center][i]uhm? do you mean 'hiphop'?
hehe .. yes.,! but not really ..
haha .. what kind of personalities do you admire in girls/boys? [/i][/align]
» Question and Answer (the nxt person to you):cool:
So basically its a question and answer.
I will start by asking a question, then the next person who will post
answer it and ask a question again