• » This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

oh..hi sis shai..you're now here... not been active lately due to projects
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

So far for FANSIGNS exchange, I've got: [align=center] ([b]Linnie[/b]) ([b]Lovelee aka philixre[/b]) ([b]zen aka imdeemoprincess[/b]) [/align] anyone else want? cuz if they don't know that they're getting a fan sign, & i make one for them..there's a chance they might not see it & get disregarded.. so It's better that you tell me if you want to exchange fan signs =^^= ok? hit me up... I'll make em asap sistahz >.~ [u]NOTE[/u]: [align=center]Ladies! use your talent here, be creative as possible! [b]we are in skyline =] [/b] & This should be FUN[/align]

Last edited by sugarstyx_x (2008-07-25 21:53:55)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

wahaha elllo sis :D sis lin i write in that fansign, LIN? ok? :D
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

Yea sis Linnie, anything you want, just so i know you're giving it to me lol. cool :D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

ive been planning of leaving skyline. since im annoyed of the background song. lol hey sis sugarstyx what will i put in the fansign
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[color=#6699FF]hi sis dea!! i agree with you that the background song is ugly... :D @sugarstyx can i have a fansign too? @to all gud pm!!:D [/color]

Last edited by ♥shai03♥ (2008-07-26 01:51:59)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

@[b]sis Zen[/b]: [align=center]why don't you just ask the leader to [b]change it[/b]? i'm sure she will be happy to do that, instead of losing you guys in the group ;) & [u]as for the fansign[/u], you can do anything w/ ur fansign, as long as it says the name of the person you're giving it to.[/align] @[b]sis shai[/b]:[align=center] Yes of course you can, i'll update my list. :D [b]I'll be doing the fansign soon guys[/b][/align]
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

sis lin :D wahaha.. okii sis :D sis dea and sis shai :o waa i love this song soo much XD wakakak :P
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

owh. haha. i love the song too. but im getting bored of it lol. ill make the fansign now!
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[quote=Linniie]eh can u tell me what font u usually use for ur ava req?in [©aina] part[/quote] sorry, I don't remember the name of the font. D: [quote=cutest08]uhmmm,Ate Aina,What is ur nationality..,..??[/quote] filipino. xDD [quote=sugarstyx_x]aww, I wish I could but I only play guitar[/quote] how lucky you are that you can play guitar. D: [b]@MsKawaii-- & philixre[/b]: thanks for making a such a cute siggy, I'll put it on the first page. xP [b]@all:[/b] reading all the posts makes me happy that you're all actively posting, but giving a bad comments on the group makes me sad. lol. but it's okay.. well, as you all said, I'll remove the official background song. :lol: [b]/edit[/b] first page updated. :eh:

Last edited by Chii (2008-07-26 04:23:12)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

@sis sugarstyx_x: i want a fansyn too...just write philaine..and what's your name?
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

huhu ate aina move d song :( lol its ok :D wahaha :D i juz love to see that font :D anyone wanna exchange fansyin wit me? :eh:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

hey sis linniie and sis sugarstyx i just have fansign for eu linniie [spoiler] [img]http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn202/silvernickjonas16/brian_/lin-1.jpg[/img][/spoiler] sugarstyx [spoiler] [img]http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn202/silvernickjonas16/brian_/syu.jpg[/img][/spoiler] hope u like it

Last edited by imdemoprincess (2008-07-26 06:28:26)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

hi to all! :D i'm Maria Lourdes Mallare u can call me malou,nalow or marsh for short :lol: 11 yrs old.. im a gurl Thats all.. hope i can have new friends hir in dis group.. =)
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

hello there malow! welcome to skyline! can i call u M? haha, LOL dont forget to be active in the group!
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

tnx 4 d welcome siz! of course u can call me M.. :lol:
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

:D good morning all pwetty siz :D in d way uplod my fansyin... :D make it for ate aina :D siz lovelee siz zen :D (sowwii i wrote it zen :redface::wallbash: ) siz Lin :D if anyone wanna exchange fansyin :P tell meh :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

gud aftie to all! :D
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

fansyin for my siz ther :P :arrow: siz zen [spoiler] [url=http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk45/linniie-chan/FANSIGN/zen.png]fansyin1[/url] [url=http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk45/linniie-chan/FANSIGN/siz_zen.png]fansyin2[/url] [url=http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk45/linniie-chan/FANSIGN/zenname.jpg]name.fansyin :D[/url] [/spoiler] :arrow: siz lovelee :D [spoiler] [url=http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk45/linniie-chan/FANSIGN/sizlovelee.jpg]fansyin1[/url] [url=http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk45/linniie-chan/FANSIGN/siz_lovelee.png]fansyin2[/url] [url=http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk45/linniie-chan/FANSIGN/sizloveleename.jpg]name.fansyin :D[/url] [/spoiler] :arrow: siz Lin :D [spoiler] [url=http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk45/linniie-chan/FANSIGN/sist_lin.png]fansyin1[/url] [url=http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk45/linniie-chan/FANSIGN/sist_lin1.png]fansyin2[/url] [url=http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk45/linniie-chan/FANSIGN/sizlinname.jpg]name.fansyin :D[/url] [/spoiler] :arrow: ate aina :D [spoiler] [url=http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk45/linniie-chan/FANSIGN/ate_aina2.png]fansyin1[/url] [url=http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk45/linniie-chan/FANSIGN/ate_aina.png]fansyin2[/url] [url=http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk45/linniie-chan/FANSIGN/ateainaname.jpg]name.fansyin :D[/url] [/spoiler] hope eu lyk it :D nyahahaha =D sorry if its fugly :| i cant change my face =D holla sis malow :D aww ur name so kyut lyk a marshmallow :wow:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

[color=#6699FF]@to all gud afternun guys!! @sugarstyx tnx for putting me in ur list of fansyns sis! @elaine hi sis!! long tym no see..:D [/color]
  • » This group is made for [b]girls[/b] who has a talent of making a different kinds of arts. Any girls who have this talents are very welcome to this group, but if you don't have a talent of making arts

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