i think when somebody want me 2 [s] become moderator [/s] someday~
i'll choose [b] not yet [/b]
because i'm a bad moody person..
i'm afraid i will missing my job..
like i said before..
[b] become a moderator is not an easy job.. [/b]
even in ma own heart i really want 2 be moderator mwahahahaha

but still don't mind..
we are [b] one [/b] right?
member's and moderator is a patner..
we're not different, we're same guy's!
so don't be [b] jealous [/b] guy's!

without moderator [b] friendster talk gonna be soooo bad.. [/b]
so i'm really thaaank you 4 all mods in here..
so really helping us..
good luck 4 yr work!