[quote=eykalsyamim][quote=stylishMO][b]honestly, ts kinda cnfusing here..dunno whos d mods and not..
not sure but i thnk there are more than 10 mods in this forum..

and what does dis rankings[promoter,faddct, felite, etc] had to do here..are they cnsdred as mod?[/b]

^_^ Some of them are promoter that mean they are promoting this site.. For the faddct,felite, they're depend on the posts.. I think there is a thread for this. Try to find out.

[b]lol, u want me to search on it in this more 1k threads? lol..i just asked that question coz most users act as if they are mods..that made me cnfused ..i know ts a choice..

and the only diff is the post..

Last edited by stylishMO (2007-10-16 08:46:25)