[quote=Kaygee :3]weh.
he's the special friend of ---xXirukiTepe--- ayt?
em not sooo sure.
but i think theres sumtin between them.[/quote]
not that special...
not anymore...
[quote=russell18]^do u know this guy??
His name is "patchii"! (as if we're close )
I spotted him n teh phil section!
We haven't talked yet!
I just find him cute in his ava![/quote]
i know that guy..
that's me..heehehe
thanks anyway..
my one and only crush..
[b]still xiruutchiing...
i crush all this people..
[spoiler][b]fateed danx[/b]-she's so kind..and pretty..
[b]fateed chaw[/b]-she's my fateed too.. and she's pretty like fateed danx..
[b]beybii daixee[/b]-she's nice to me..i like her..so sweet..:rose:
[b]mar[/b]-she's nice...
i will update later...