2009-01-13 06:52:59

» FTalkManiac
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Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[b]Meh Laugh-ly Crrrrushlist.[/b] =D [sup]these descriptions comes from deep within my freakin' heart.[/sup] [spoiler][quote][b]Mai Punneh Bumbum AKA ate Riz.[/b] She's so sweeeeeet and funneh. :lol: I laugh her so much, seriously. :3 :3 And I miss herrr. :crybaby: Garsh, where art thou? =( *siiigh. She's so uberly-duperly fun to talk to. And she's mai ninja. *wootwoot. :D Uyeaa. Lalala. She's just wonda' pul. Ilaugh-herr so much. :wow: BTW, here comes the most dramatic girl. =D You know who she is. XD[/quote] [quote][b]Mai Oh-so-sweet Bebebebe AKA sista Chariz [s]charei[/s].[/b] :eh: She's just soooooo uber sweet. Though sometimes she is being-a-retard-ing. =D Lawl, ahaha. That's what she says. :D But well, I just laugh her so much. She's an amazing GFX maker, oh-so-sweet, creative, nice, & loads mourrr. She's oh-so fun to talk to. *uyeaa. She's just my bebe. :wow: Oh well, maybe she'll be taken soon. :eh: Hahaha, joke. Ilaugh-herr soooo much.[/quote] [quote][b]Mai Pugee Oneesan AKA sista Trixx.[/b] She's really really [s]kyooooot[/s] pogi. :cool: W8, I mean, she's the pogi-est creature of all. Haha. :lol: Well, she's correct. She's so pugee, [i]kakainlab[/i]. *bwahaha. XD She's just so pantastic ele-fantastic. No wonder why she's so popular. :eh: Don't denyy. Ahaha. :lol: She's also soooo fun to talk to. BTW, hope her laugh-life & love-life goes well. *uyeaaaa. =) She's oh-so-nice, [s]kawaii[/s] POGI, creative, a great GFX maker, & loads mourrr. I miss herr. :( And -- Ilaugh-herr soo much. :wow:[/quote] [quote][b]Mai Laugh-ly Alien AKA sista LJ.[/b] Awww. Ilaugh-my alien. =D I'm her [s]sista[/s] mongoloid. Ahahaha. :P She's soo nice. At first, I thought it was so hard to reach her and be-friends with her. :rolleyes: But when we just talked and talked and talked, I realized how loud she is. =D\m/ *bwahaha. She's kewwl. :wow: She's just mai pweedy-ful Alien. Ilaugh-her so much.[/quote] [quote][b]Mai Shweeety-ful Bhesty AKA sista Jerrie.[/b] She's wonda' pul. :eh: Though sometimes she can become kind of quiet. :ninja: I still laugh her so dearly. :wow: She's extraordinary for me - that's why I laugh her. :D She's also fun, nice, sweet, cute, & mourrr. I miss her. =( I just so laugh herr. :wow:[/quote] [quote][b]Mai Pweedy-ful Baboy AKA sista Ninch.[/b] We call each other baboy, 'cause mamuys are so cute :P and we are so cute too. =D *bwahaha. She's reeeaaally nice. She's just my baboy. :P I miss her and Ilaugh-herr. :wow:[/quote] [quote][b]Mai Marshhhy Cookie AKA sista Malow [s]malchan/malcarl[/s].[/b] :eh: Ahahaha, just kidding about those names with a [s]strike-through[/s]. Peace. :P She's really nice, fun to talk to, pweeeeedy-ful :wow:, & mourrrr. I really hope her lovelife goes so well. :eh: Haha. I thought I wouldn't be this close to her, until we called each other Cooookie. :P *woot. Ilaugh-herr. :wow:[/quote] [quote][b]Mai Yammi Dhee AKA sista Andrea.[/b] She's so lucky to be the leader of [b]The Scandalers[/b]. :crybaby: *wooot. Congratulations to herr. She's really niiiice and pweedy-ful. I miss her so badly. :crybaby: Where art thou? I see she's become inactive lately. :( *siiigh. She's just my dheee. Ilaugh-herr so much. :wow:[/quote] [quote][b]Sista Anne and Kuuya Dondon.[/b] :wow: Wow, I really love them. They're just sooo cute together. *uyeaa. :D I always become uber [i]cheeleg[/i] when I see them sweet together. *woooh. :P I just love them. I'll support them. :eh: Sista Anne and Kuuya Dondon - forever. :wow:[/quote] [quote][b]Mai Lablee-licious Gurrpwend AKA sista Bridget.[/b] She's just so crazy. :lol: Ahaha, I laugh her that way. Aheehee. She's just really nice and pweedy-ful. :P I miss her and -- Ilaugh-herr so much. :wow:[/quote] [quote][b]All of the Scandalers.[/b] :eh: Ilaugh 'em all. They totally rooock. \m/:cool: They always have a waayyy to make me smile. :D <-- 100 times. Hehe. I just so laugh them. =D My pakners in crime. :eh:[/quote] [/spoiler] [hr][hr] -- out of [b]Ftalk.[/b] I meant, in the [u]realworld.[/u] [spoiler]I [s]crush[/s] love him. *drummroll. None other than.♥ : [i]I'll just give out clues.[/i] =D [b]He[/b]'s sweet, smart 'n pugee. *uyea. [b]He[/b]'s number twentytwo. [b]He[/b]'s my number one! [b]His[/b] name starts with J. [b]His[/b] name ends with Y. [b]His[/b] name has 6 letters. [b]He[/b]'s everything to me. [b]He[/b]'s my one and only. [b]He[/b]'s mine and no one else's. [b]He[/b]'s the one I love. And I'm the one [b]he loves.[/b] Oh-yeaaah. :wow: You guys might guess who he is.[/spoiler] [b]WARNING [u]/i\[/u][/b] [sup]Once you hurt them, I swear, you're gonna regret it. *bwaha.[/sup]

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