i havent eaten yet

its raining like hell outside .
im so tired from my duty this morning. had to wake up
at [b]4AM[/b] to dress up.. my patient is hypotensive
and his BP has been fluctuating liek disco lights

im on [i][b]q 3o mins BP taking[/b][/i].. arghh ,,

i hope he'll get better already.. at the same time though,
im glad i wus that bc. i barely noticed the time x33
I miss [u][b]my budz[/b][/u].. I think his avoiding me..
oh well i guess its for the best

I dreamed of a room full of [i][b]nude men[/b][/i] last night.

and wuts crazy was that all of them are [b]men from class-s[/b]

I confess that i lied with my last confession

i loev trippin ..
Last edited by ducheszv (2009-01-26 06:19:43)