Rhandum[b]Confeeshiioooonss[/b] ;
[quote]- i hate exams.

Ugh. I hate reviewing my lessons and torturing myself, for pete's sake.

- i haven't started the reaction paper for obama's inauguration. x(( Haha. Whatever. Idon'tcare. ((: I'll be doing all those effin projects this weekend. So i'll be off for 2 days.

- I miss him.

I wonder why i haven't seen him attending class this days. Whenever i go visit the basketball court, he's not there. Is he hiding from me? Whatever. I'll punch him when i'll see him walking at the corridor.

I was about to ask their coach but it was wrong timing. He is so busy.

- I had an annoying emo classmate. Err. He's so emotional. xxx(( I actually hate emo people, im not comfortable seeing him at the room. Ew.

I hope he'll be transfer to section b. Haha

Or else. ((: Im so mean.

- I have a lot of things to do. xD Err. What should i do first? ;B Uggghh. ;_________;
- I see the koreano-guy at the canteen. He's so pogi.

But im more pogi.

Too bad, he's poor on speaking in tagalog. Haha. And he's 4 years older than me. Wtf. The 2nd year girls are keep on [s]flirting[/s] that poging koreano. ;B
- I talked to my ate dakdak last night. Yay \

/ She's so mosaa. Haha

[i]" The Chaka Doll "[/i]. Basta. I enjoy talking to her, as always. x)) She've been so special to me. :rose:
- I missed them ; [b]Hanzel , Jhay , Tinay , Riz[/b]. Lol. Idon'tknow. There names just popped on my mind.

- She's so praning :-J She acts - - like a

Sheez. What a shame. o_____________o[/quote]
end (: